Sen. Mike Cierpiot’s Capitol Report for Oct. 10, 2021

Standing Against Mandates

Missouri is continuing to take a stand against federal overreach. On Oct. 28, the governor signed an executive order preventing his administration from enforcing the president’s COVID-19 vaccinate mandate. Additionally, the executive order prevents the state’s agencies, boards, and other entities from penalizing individuals or businesses who opt not to get the vaccine for religious or medical reasons. While this order largely only applies to employees within the state’s executive branch, I believe it is a step in the right direction.

As I have said before, I oppose heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all mandates like those that have been coming out of the White House lately. I believe medical decisions on whether or not to be vaccinated should be up to the individuals themselves to decide. Already, we’ve seen a large number of Missourians decide to get vaccinated against COVID-19, without the need for sweeping mandates from Washington, D.C. According to Missouri’s COVID-19 Dashboard, nearly 70% of Missourians 18 and older and nearly 90 percent of Missourians 65 and older have initiated vaccination. While I know we all want the pandemic to be over, I believe we should not trade away personal freedom to do it.

It’s important to keep in mind that the governor’s recent executive order is just one of the things Missouri is doing to stand up to the federal government. Currently, the attorney general is working on a lawsuit to halt the president’s administration from enforcing its broad vaccination mandates. Meanwhile, the Missouri General Assembly remains willing and able to take legislative action to protect Missourians’ personal liberty. Time will tell how these efforts shake out, but I’m glad the Show-Me State is standing up for freedom.

I am honored to serve the citizens of the 8th Senatorial District. If there is anything I can do to serve you, please feel free to contact my office in Jefferson City at (573) 751-1464. For information about my committee assignments or sponsored legislation for the 2021 session, please visit my official Missouri Senate website at