Sen. Justin Brown Schedules Second Hearing of Interim Immigration Committee

JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Senate Interim Committee on Illegal Immigration will hold its second public hearing at 1 p.m., Wednesday, July 20, committee chairman Sen. Justin Brown, R-Rolla, announces. The hearing will be held at the Lebanon-Laclede County Library, 915 S. Jefferson Ave., in Lebanon.

Senator Brown’s committee is charged with identifying ways to discourage illegal immigration and propose legislative responses to address issues relating to undocumented workers in Missouri. During the upcoming hearing, the committee will hear testimony regarding workers being brought to Missouri illegally who do not pay taxes or follow Missouri labor laws.

“As a flood of illegal immigrants continues to flow across America’s southern border and works its way northward, it’s imperative that lawmakers understand the scope of the problem and seek ways to protect Missouri businesses and residents from the negative impacts of an unchecked human migration,” Sen. Brown said. “The constant influx of desperate people operating outside our legal immigration system will have tremendous ramifications for all Missourians and we must get a handle on the problem.”

For more information about Sen. Brown, visit