Sen. Justin Brown Schedules First Meeting of Interim Immigration Committee

JEFFERSON CITY – State Sen. Justin Brown, R-Rolla, has announced the Missouri Senate Interim Committee on Illegal Immigration will conduct its first meeting on Wednesday, June 29, at the State Capitol in Jefferson City. Senator Brown chairs the committee, which was established to examine varying aspects of illegal immigration and its effects on the Show-Me State.

“With illegal drugs continuing to flow across the Southern border, and our local communities incurring increased law enforcement and social services costs related to illegal immigration, time is of the essence for the committee to begin its work,” Sen. Brown said. “Our federal government has failed to make progress in stemming the tide of illegal immigration that is plaguing our country, so it’s imperative the states take action on their own.”

The Interim Committee on Illegal Immigration will seek to identify ways to discourage illegal immigration and propose legislative responses to address issues relating to undocumented workers in Missouri. The start of the committee’s work closely follows an announcement by the governor that Missouri would join 25 other states calling for the establishment of the American Governors’ Border Strike Force, a multi-state effort to disrupt criminal organizations, combat human smuggling and stop the flow of illegal drugs.

For more information about Sen. Brown, visit