Audio: Sen. Karla Eslinger’s Podcast for the Week of Jan. 17

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Karla Eslinger, R-Wasola, discusses her thoughts on this week’s annual budget address to lawmakers from the governor, more commonly known as the State of the State.


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  1. Senator Eslinger says lawmakers heard the governor’s annual budget address this week.
    Eslinger-1-012022  (:14)  Q: in the 33rd.
  2. Senator Eslinger adds the governor includes rural Missouri in his plans.
    Eslinger-2-012022  (:12)  Q: life for everybody.
  3. Senator Eslinger also says she wants to continue to focus on workforce and economic infrastructure.
    Eslinger-3-012022  (:13)  Q: they’re really effective.
  4. Senator Eslinger says the state must continue to maintain its roads and bridges.
    Eslinger-4-012022  (:13)  Q: for that cost-share.