Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer Proposes Term Limits on All Statewide Offices

JEFFERSON CITY —State Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, R-Parkville, presented Senate Joint Resolution 14 to the Committee on Local Government and Elections. The measure imposes a two-term limit of service on all statewide office holders. Currently, the governor and state treasurer are the only statewide officials subject to term limits.

Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer presents SJR14 to the Local Government and Elections Committee.

If approved by the legislature, SJR 14 would require a statewide vote of the people to change Missouri’s constitution. The measure states that all statewide office holders – governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, state auditor and state treasurer – would be allowed to serve only two terms in office.

“The voters of Missouri have made it clear they emphatically support term limits,” Sen. Luetkemeyer said. “This measure allows the people to expand those limits to all statewide elected officials, making the law consistent for all state elected officials.”

For more information about Sen. Luetkemeyer, visit