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Search returned 23 records.

SB 22Creates new provisions relating to the treatment of summary statements prepared by the General Assembly for ballot measures
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SB 23Modifies provisions relating to additional protections to bear arms
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SB 24Creates a provision relating to education funding
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SB 114Creates new provisions relating to illegal aliens
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SB 115Establishes provisions regarding elementary and secondary education
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SB 116Modifies provisions relating to elections
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SB 193Creates provisions relating to term limits for local government officers
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SB 194Creates and modifies provisions relating to legal tender
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SB 195Authorizes a tax credit for certain educational expenses
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SB 248Modifies provisions relating to elections
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SB 249Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition
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SB 250Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of property
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SB 294Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
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SB 295Creates the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance
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SB 296Enacts "The Foreign Unmanned Aircraft Law"
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SB 333Allows for certain motor vehicles to be registered permanently
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SB 334Preempts local ordinances mandating the provision of certain employment benefits
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SB 335Requires special elections to fill vacancies in statewide elected offices other than U.S. Senator
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SB 369Modifies certain provisions relating to solar energy systems
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SJR 5Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care
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SJR 6Amends the Constitution to assert the right of parents to participate in and direct the education of their children free from government interference
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SJR 7Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax
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SJR 50Modifies provisions relating to property tax assessments
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