SB 1501
Creates provisions relating to the disclosure of personal information online
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/7/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 1501 - Under the act, an internet website that collects a consumer's personal information shall disclose to the consumers the categories of the personal information to be collected, the purpose of the collection of the personal information, whether the personal information shall be sold or shared, and the length of time an internet website shall retain the personal information.

An internet website that collects personal information shall disclose to the consumer a right to opt-out from the sale or sharing of personal information or the right to request the deletion of the consumer's personal information from the website.

An operator of the website shall create a form to opt-out from the sale or sharing of personal information or a form to request deletion of personal information and post the form on the website.

An internet website that receives a request to opt-out from the sale or sharing of personal information or a request to delete personal information shall not sell or share personal information or shall delete the personal information as soon as possible. As to a consumer's request to delete personal information, the internet website shall notify all third parties to whom the internet website sold or shared the personal information to delete the personal information, unless deletion is impossible or involves disproportional effort.

If an internet website sells a consumer’s personal information to a third party, the website shall pay the consumer 60% of the moneys received from the sale of the personal information.

A consumer or any person may notify the Attorney General of any violations under the act. If the Attorney General discovers that an internet website or a third party violated provisions under the act, the Attorney General shall commence a civil action against an internet website or a third party. If the court finds that an internet website or a third party violated provisions of the act, the court may grant actual damages, injunctive relief, a civil penalty of no more than $2000 for each day of the violation, attorney fees, and any other relief the court finds appropriate.



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