Sen. Mike Bernskoetter’s Legislative Column for Jan. 9, 2020

The 2020 Legislative Session Begins

On Jan. 8, state lawmakers returned to the Capitol for the start of the Second Regular Session of the 100th General Assembly. This session, we will continue to build off the good work we accomplished in 2019 in helping make Missouri a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Already, hundreds of pieces of legislation have been pre-filed in the hopes of being signed into law later this year. Some of these proposals are as short as a one-word change to state law, while others are dozens or even hundreds of pages long. That’s one of the amazing things about the General Assembly: everyone has an idea on how to improve our state. The task now turns to us as lawmakers to figure out what issues to deal with and how. While there are hundreds of bills covering a wide range of topics, some key issues are sure to be discussed this year. For instance, repairing our state’s aging roads and bridges remains a top priority for many in the General Assembly. Many ideas on how to curb violent crime are being floated in the Capitol these days; however, these ideas have prompted concerns about how this could impact law-abiding gun owners. The fate of illegal gambling is sure to be discussed as well.

As the General Assembly discusses a host of issues, I’ll be working with my colleagues to pass some of my sponsored legislation to help move our community and state forward. Senate Bill 585, for instance, conveys state land to the Heartland Port Authority of Central Missouri in order to build a port in Jefferson City. This means jobs and cheaper goods for our community and local businesses. Senate Bill 586 creates the Capitol Complex Tax Credit to help support rehabilitation and restoration efforts for many of the historic buildings in downtown Jefferson City. Senate Bill 661 establishes the Prescribed Burning Act and encourages Missourians to keep property safe during controlled burns by using licensed prescribed burn professionals. Senate Bill 662 will help feed needy families by allowing deer jerky to be donated to local food pantries. These are just a few of the bills I’ll be working on this session, and I’m excited to get back to work.

Whatever the legislative session has in store for us this year, I’ll do my best to represent you in the Missouri Senate. If you have questions, comments or concerns about legislation, please feel free to contact my office at (573) 751-2076. For information about my committee assignments or sponsored legislation, please visit my official Missouri Senate website at