Sen. Andrew Koenig’s Capitol Report for the Week of March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 

Senator Koenig Provides an Update on COVID-19

The events of the past month regarding the spread of the virus known as COVID-19 have been shocking to say the least. Like myself and my family, I’m sure many of you are following the current situation regarding the spread of the virus in our community. Our federal and state leaders have been monitoring this situation closely, and I believe they are working hard to stop the spread of this virus and provide critical medical assistance throughout our state. Below is information regarding federal and state responses to the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

St. Louis City and County Stay-At-Home Order

The mayor of St. Louis City and the county executive of St. Louis County recently issued a stay-at-home order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our area. The stay-at-home order for St. Louis County began at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, March 23, and the order went into effect for the city Monday evening. The order is in effect for 30 days and will be re-evaluated on April 22. Residents will be required to stay in their homes, except for certain essential activities including grocery shopping; pharmacy and doctor visits; engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking or running; and caring for a family member in another household. The full list of essential activities and prohibited activities can be found in the St. Louis County Department of Public Health’s official Stay at Home Order.

Updates on COVID-19 in St. Louis County

St. Louis County officials have created a website for questions concerning COVID-19 in our community. This website includes information about what to do if you think you are sick. Residents who are experiencing symptoms of fever, cough and difficulty breathing should contact the St. Louis County Health Line at 314-615-2660, and those who believe they have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19 should also call this number.

For more updates concerning COVID-19, please visit the official websites for the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Department of Health and Senior Services has also set up a 24-hour hotline concerning COVID-19 that you can reach by calling 877-435-8411.

Federal Response to COVID-19 

As our country continues to deal with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, federal lawmakers are working on a stimulus package to aid Americans suffering from economic hardships caused by the spread of the virus. While this aid package is still being debated on Capitol Hill, I am hopeful it will include measures aimed at helping our small businesses continue to stay open. Throughout our country, everyone is coming together to do their part. Higher education institutions and K-12 schools have physically closed their doors and moved their classes online, businesses are encouraging their employees to work from home and the concept of “social distancing” is the new normal. However, I believe we will get through this and return to a normal life.

Utilizing Emergency Federal Funds

Last week, the Missouri House of Representatives approved legislation that would set aside $33 million from emergency funds expected from the federal government and allow the governor to spend it on the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds will be used to purchase testing and protective equipment for health care workers throughout Missouri, in addition to other supplies needed to deal with COVID-19. This amount is on top of the $7 million of state emergency funds the governor can use during the declared state of emergency. I am hopeful the Missouri Senate will be allowed to return to the State Capitol as soon as possible to address this critical funding request.

State Response to COVID-19

The director of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has also issued an order to require social distancing statewide in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. This order is in accordance with guidelines given by the CDC. The order states every person in Missouri must avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people, including eating or drinking at restaurants and bars. The use of drive-thru, pickup or delivery options are still allowed. The order does not prohibit people from visiting grocery stores, gas stations, parks and banks, so long as individuals are cautious to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining at least six feet of distance between all individuals. This order took effect on Monday, March 23 and will remain in effect until April 6, unless it is extended by the director of the Department of Health and Senior Services.

The governor is also taking steps to help those who depend on government assistance, whether it is through Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Child Care Subsidy Program or the Family Support Division. For more information on these changes, please visit DHSS’ website.

The governor recently signed Executive Order 20-04 which allows state departments to ease administrative rules and regulations to provide flexibility for state resources to be more efficiently distributed. This order expands the use of telemedicine to help decrease the risk of exposure to health care professionals and patients. You can read more about this executive order in the governor’s press release.

Supporting Small Businesses in Missouri

The Missouri Department of Economic Development and the State Emergency Management Agency recently requested assistance for businesses through the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. The SBA has approved Missouri’s request for access to this loan program. The SBA will offer targeted, low-interest disaster recovery loans for small businesses that have been severely impacted by the spread of COVID-19. To apply, please visit

Federal and State Tax Deadlines

The U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that the federal income tax filing deadline has been extended to July 15. In addition, taxpayers can also defer any federal income tax bills to July 15, without paying any additional penalties or interest. The Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) followed suit and announced the deadline to file Missouri income tax returns has been extended to July 15. Like the IRS, DOR also announced that state income tax payment deadlines for individuals and companies have been extended until July 15. Also, DOR has given a 60-day extension to all driver’s licenses or vehicle registrations that expire in March or April. This extension also applies to safety and emissions inspections required to renew license plates.

Municipal Elections

The governor recently signed Executive Order 20-03 which orders all Missouri municipal elections previously scheduled for April 7 to be delayed until June 2.

What You Can Do To Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19

There are a number of things you can do right now to help stop the spread of COVID-19. It is important to follow the CDC’s recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  • If soap is not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
  • Stay home if you are sick;
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily; and
  • Practice social distancing by avoiding social gatherings of 10 people, staying home whenever possible, using pick-up or delivery options for food and drinks and avoiding shopping trips except to pick up necessary supplies or medicine.

I will continue to stay updated on the situation surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and I will continue to provide as much information as possible regarding the actions being taken by federal, state and community leaders in response to this pandemic. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at 573-751-5568.

Stay safe & healthy,
