Department of Defense Expands Veterans’ Access to Benefits

The Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018 went into effect on January 1, 2020, and it expands commissary; military exchange; and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) privileges on U.S. military installations to over 4.1 million new patrons.  Veterans with service-connected disabilities, recipients of the Purple Heart, former prisoners of war and designated primary family caregivers will now be able to take advantage of more services and benefits under this new measure.

“As an advocate for veterans, I am thrilled by this announcement.  Our military men and women and their families deserve access to all of the benefits they valiantly earned through their selfless service to our country,” stated Sen. Bill White, R-Joplin.

For more information about the program, please visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ website.