State Sen. Cindy O’Laughlin Supports Funding Increase for Senior Services

JEFFERSON CITY — As your state senator serving northeastern Missouri, I believe we need to ensure our elderly citizens can access services vital to their well-being.

Seniors want to remain in their homes and to do so sometimes they need assistance with transportation, light housekeeping or meal preparation. This is why I support Senate Bill 86, a proposal that establishes the Senior Services Growth and Development Program. This legislation restores funding which had been cut in 2008 to our state Area Agencies on Aging.

Area Agencies on Aging provide meaningful services for some of Missouri’s most vulnerable citizens. At current funding levels, these agencies can only provide services to 10 percent of our population. Of those seniors in current programs, 60 percent live in rural areas.  Senate Bill 86 will provide much needed funding and further the goal of allowing the elderly to live at home.

In Missouri, it costs an average of $18,000 a year to care for an elderly person in their own home, as opposed to $53,000 a year for nursing home care. In total, the state spends over $7 million on nursing home care. I support any legislation that promotes and encourages our senior citizens to continue to live meaningful, independent lifestyles, as opposed to being placed in a nursing home. With the cost savings provided in this bill, our senior citizens and their families will be able to receive the care they need in their own home at a fraction of the cost.

Most people are familiar with home delivered meals and the in-home care programs offered by the agencies. These are some of the most essential services for seniors who have difficulty getting around and leaving their homes. If SB 86 were to pass, the continuation of these services would be ensured, along with other services such as transportation and many others offered by the Area Agencies on Aging.

Area Agencies on Aging provide vital services in the most efficient way possible and do a great job with very limited resources. SB 86 creates a path to continue these programs.  It is important the General Assembly funds support to Missouri’s seniors, without inflating the costs associated with care. Seniors should have access to these programs in order to stay healthy and enjoy the rest of their lives with their families and loved ones.

As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-7985. You may also email me at
