Sen. Justin Brown’s Legislative Column for April 18, 2019

The Joy of Easter

“He is not here, for he is risen.”

These words, spoken on a spring Sunday morning in churches all across America, offer hope and strength to millions of Christians. Of all observances and holidays in the Christian calendar, Easter is the most sacred, because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The yearly remembrance of this miraculous event encourages believers that they, too, can overcome and resurrect in their own lives.

Easter is a special occasion for non-believers, as well. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox, the holiday coincides with a time of rebirth in the earth. Always held sometime between March 22 and April 25, Easter Sunday arrives as the days last longer, grass turns green and flowers begin to bloom. Signs of life and rebirth are all around us.

Spring in Missouri is so beautiful and the weather so fair, it’s hard not to feel joy this time of year. The dull, dark days of winter are over. The sun warms the earth and our spirits. If the bright days and budding branches have this effect on us, imagine the elation felt by Jesus’ followers on a Sunday morning in Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago.

The story is the foundation of faith for Christians. Jesus, the child of a virgin, comes of age and is anointed by God. He begins a ministry of teaching and miracles that continues for three years. Eventually, he travels to Jerusalem to observe the Passover feast. He is greeted with adorning throngs of people, who lay palm fronds in his path and sing praises.

Celebrating the Passover with his disciples at one last supper, Jesus foretells his own death and reveals the temptations and betrayals that would befall his people. All of this comes to pass, as the leaders of his faith conspire against Jesus and enlist local authorities to arrest him. He is convicted at the conclusion of a rushed trial and put to death in the most horrendous manner.

As his people mourn, Jesus’ body is laid in a tomb, its entrance sealed with a stone. Three days later a group of followers arrive to prepare the corpse. They find the tomb empty, and an angel appears with good news: “He is risen.”

The sorrow of the disciples turned to gladness. It’s a joy still shared by followers of Jesus two millennia later. Easter represents a promise to believers, who trust that because Jesus rose from the dead, they also can rise.

Sociologists tell us that Christianity is waning in America. One recent study found that fewer than 45 percent of respondents considered religious faith to be central to their identity. Nearly 35 percent of Americans described their religion as “none,” either atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular. The numbers are even higher among young people.

Despite lower church attendance, Easter remains an important holiday for Americans. There may not be any religious significance to pretty spring dresses or bunnies bearing baskets of chocolates and pastel colored eggs, but those things still bring joy to the hearts of many people.

Whether you count yourself among the believers, or merely enjoy the annual celebration of spring, I wish each and every one of you a joyous Easter. For those who rejoice at the resurrection of Christ, I echo the glad news of the angel at the tomb: He is risen.

It’s my honor to serve as your senator for the 16th District. If you have questions or need any assistance, please call my office at 573-751-5713 or log onto my webpage at for more information.