Lawmakers Begin Submitting Proposals for 2018 Legislative Session

Completed proposals in the Secretary of Senate’s office.
Completed proposals in the Secretary of Senate’s office.

Jefferson City, Mo. – On Dec. 1, Missouri lawmakers started pre-filing legislation for the 2018 legislative session.

Once a senator has written and developed a legislative proposal, they submit it to the Secretary of the Senate’s office to be numbered. The proposal then moves to the Missouri Senate’s Enrolling and Engrossing office where it is formatted and proofread before it is printed. A physical copy of each pre-filed bill is currently available for the public to view on the Missouri Senate Website at

Members of the Senate’s Enrolling and Engrossing staff proofread submitted legislation.
Members of the Senate’s Enrolling and Engrossing staff proofread submitted legislation.

Just one week after pre-filing started, 34 Missouri Senators had filed 245 bills and several joint resolutions. During the pre-filing period for the 2017 legisative session, 244 bills and 10 joint resolutions were filed.  Before the start of the 2016 legislative session, senators pre-filed 209 pieces of legislation.

To view a list of legislation pre-filed for the upcoming legislative session, please visit the Missouri Senate’s website at

The 2018 legislative session begins at noon on Jan. 3 and ends on May 18.