Senator Mike Cunningham’s Legislative Column for Jan. 5, 2017

Cunningham Updated Banner March 2017The Second Regular Session of the 99th General Assembly is now officially underway in Jefferson City. On Wednesday, Jan. 3, lawmakers returned to the Capitol to kick-off the 2018 legislative session. Last year we had a successful session, which focused on making Missouri a better place to live, work and raise families. This year our focus will remain the same.

Every year, the General Assembly is tasked with the job of balancing the state budget. This year is no different. Work for the Fiscal Year 2019 budget has already begun. There are many things to be considered this year, including the impact the federal tax cut will have on our state budget and how we, as a Legislature, can fix the funding issue for in-home and nursing home care. I look forward to listening to the governor lay out his proposed budget during the State of the State Address on Jan. 10. According to the Missouri Constitution lawmakers must have an approved budget to the governor by May 11.

This session, lawmakers have filed more than 304 pieces of legislation. One of our goals this session is to create a smaller, better, more efficient government that is appealing to businesses looking to move to Missouri. With a more efficient state government, we can cut back the harmful red tape negatively affecting our state’s small businesses. Tax reform, finding a solution to transportation funding and ensuring our children get the best education they can, all remain top priorities.

Returning to Jefferson City to do the work, which I was elected to do, is always an exciting time. While work goes on year-round to ensure meaningful and impactful legislation is filed and passed, this is the time lawmakers truly do the work of the people, for the people. For the next several months, there will be passionate debate and compromises made but I am hopeful that with each proposal passed we are making Missouri a better place for everyone.

As always, I appreciate it when groups from around Missouri and from our community back home come to visit me at the Capitol. If you would like to arrange a time to come and visit me in Jefferson City, or if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my Capitol office at (573) 751-1882.