Senator Jamilah Nasheed to Present Human Trafficking Bill in Committee

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Senator Jamilah Nasheed to Present Human Trafficking Bill in Committee

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, announced that she will be presenting legislation relating to human trafficking before the Senate Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee on Jan. 22. The hearing is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. in the Senate Lounge.

Senate Bill 792 would allow those who were forced into sex work against their will to have their criminal records relating to prostitution expunged, upon approval of a court.

“Those forced into prostitution are victims and we should be trying to help them,” said Sen. Nasheed. “Through the cruelty of others, they were forced into modern-day slavery. The crimes they were involved in was above all, a crime against them as individual human beings. After getting out of a horrible situation, they should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit without the burden of a criminal record following them around. This legislation provides them with a path out of the shadows.”

Senator Nasheed sponsored a similar bill during the 2017 legislative session.

“I remain dedicated to shining a light on the depraved acts that happen in our state,” said Sen. Nasheed. “Missouri is sadly a hotspot for human trafficking and we must work diligently to prevent these crimes from occurring, as well as do everything we can to help the victims of these horrific crimes.”

In addition to the SB 792 hearing, Sen. Nasheed will also be hosting the annual Sex Trafficking Awareness Day on Jan. 23 in the State Capitol to bring additional attention to the issue. The daylong event will begin with a networking event on the 3rd floor rotunda, where information from advocates and experts about the dangers of human trafficking will be available. At 1:00 p.m. a rally will take place in the State Capitol’s 1st floor rotunda.

For more information on SB 792 or the event, please contact Sen. Nasheed’s office at 573-751-4415.