Sen. Dan Brown’s Legislative Column

brownWinter is finally behind us, and spring has arrived. Warm weather, flowers beginning to bloom, buds swelling and the return of songbirds all brings hope of new life.  Brightly colored eggs, a large variety of sweet treats and a furry, four-legged friend are all wonderful reminders of the Easter holiday. I especially enjoy watching my grandchildren hunt for their special surprises each year. While I watch them search for their treasures tucked inches away from last year’s hiding spot, I rejoice in this special time I get to spend with my family during the Easter holiday.

This weekend marks the celebration of Easter, the holiday that observes the cornerstone of the Christian faith—the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We join with family and friends to celebrate and reflect on this holy event. This is a time to rejoice in the glory of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and focus on the joy of this blessed event.

Our observance of Easter starts as we celebrate Good Friday, which marks the day when Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself through his death on the cross. In doing so, Jesus affirms the promise that our sins have been forgiven. When Jesus conquered death and arose from the grave three days later, He affirmed the promise of eternal life.

The true celebration of Easter is on Sunday, when we gather to observe the day when Jesus conquered death and arose from the grave. Through this miracle, He affirmed his power over sin and the devil. The message of this event strong, no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope in the empty tomb because he has risen and conquered death.

I hope that your Easter celebration will be full of joy and happiness.  May the joy and power of God’s love be with you and your family as you celebrate Easter.

As always, I encourage my constituents to contact me throughout the year with comments, questions or suggestions by calling my office at (573) 751-5713. To find more information about the bills I sponsor, visit Thank you for reading this and for your participation in state government.