Sen. Dave Schatz’s Column for Dec. 20

Schatz- Column banner - 021215The colorful light displays in our neighborhoods, the familiar Christmas carols playing on the radio and the brightly decorated trees standing in many businesses all mark the fact that the Christmas season is here.  Many of us have spent the past couple weeks running around purchasing gifts or preparing for a visit from family and friends. This is all the more reason to spend Christmas relaxing and reflecting on the joy of the season.

On December 19, 1843, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was first published. The familiar story of Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation from a cold and unfeeling businessman to a caring and compassionate member of the community was an immediate hit and resonated with readers in Britain and the U.S. One story goes that after a man attended a reading on Christmas Eve in Boston in 1867, he closed his factory on Christmas Day and sent every employee a turkey. A Christmas Carol is a story that reminds us there is always a chance at redemption from selfish or unkind behavior, and, like Scrooge, we have the opportunity to transform our outlook on life.

Another reminder this story delivers to us is that Christmas is a family-centered festival of generosity. It is a time to give, not just to our family and friends, but to the less fortunate. It is a time to be thankful for our blessings and to share them with those in need. I hope you will join me this year in giving what you can and embracing this spirit of generosity.

This is wonderful time of year, filled with happiness and celebration. It is also an important time for reflection on the meaning of the season. May each of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for reading this weekly column. Please contact my office at (573) 751-3678 if you have any questions.