This Week’s Guest Column from Sen. Will Kraus for the Week of Jan. 23, 2017

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District Days 2017 and Virtual Town Hall Set for March, New Legislative Survey Online

Each year, I encourage constituents to visit Jefferson City and engage with their state government by participating in District Days. Together with my wife, Carmen, and my staff, I host an event at the beautiful Missouri State Capitol to give District 8 residents a better glimpse into our three branches of government. I spend time with attendees on the floor of the Senate Chamber, answering questions and providing details on how the Legislature operates.

I am pleased to announce my 11th Annual District Days will be held on Tuesday, March 14, and Wednesday, March 15, 2017. We have a couple of great days planned for those who attend. The schedule for both days will include tours of the Governor’s Mansion, Capitol and Supreme Court. Attendees will also get to see the Capitol Whispering Gallery and dome.

While we would like to host as many visitors as possible, some of the tour groups are limited in size. I encourage you to register early for District Days to ensure a spot on every tour. This event includes significant amounts of walking, so please note any accessibility needs in your registration. Also, you will need to allow yourself extra time to enter the Capitol. There are now metal detectors at all public entrances. We look forward to seeing you in March.

Please RSVP with John Shelby by calling (573) 751-1464 or email John.Shelby@Senate.Mo.Gov. The registration deadline is March 1, 2017. For those who register, we will send out a detailed itinerary one week before the event.

New Legislative Survey

In my role as a representative of the people, it is vital to know the opinions of District 8 residents on issues affecting our local community and the state. For this reason, we put out a nonpartisan legislative survey every year to gauge public sentiment on issues that are likely to be considered by the Legislature or are particularly relevant to the District 8 area.

The 2017 survey has now been posted on our website, Look for the red, “Legislative Survey” button. The survey covers issues like REAL ID, Right to Work, tax Credits, education, ethics and much more. Please take a moment to give us your thoughts on these very important issues.

Virtual Town Hall

Save the date for our first Virtual Town Hall, which is scheduled for Thursday, March 2, 2017, at 7 p.m. Senator Kraus will be live, answering your questions on the issues that matter most to you. He will also have the latest information on the 2017 legislative session. Details on how to participate in our Virtual Town Hall will be sent out one week before the event. Please mark your calendars.

Join the conversation and follow me on Twitter @SenWillKraus. Pease feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and will try to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at (573) 751-1464, or email at Will.Kraus@Senate.Mo.Gov.

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Senator Will Kraus serves Eastern Jackson County in the 8th State Senatorial District.