New Audio Available from Sen. Mike Cunningham for the Week of May 1

Cunningham Updated Banner March 2017

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Mike Cunningham, R-Rogersville, discusses final work on the Fiscal Year 2018 operating budget for Missouri and an update on this week’s floods.


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(4:57) Cunningham-Podcast-050517

  1. Senator Cunningham says he is working closely with the governor.
    (:30) Cunningham-1-050517
  2. Senator Cunningham adds it was exceptionally difficult to craft the budget for Fiscal Year 2018.
    (:16) Cunningham-2-050517
  3. Senator Cunningham also says the school funding formula would be at 100 percent, under the Missouri Senate plan.
    (:29) Cunningham-3-050517
  4. Senator Cunningham says electric co-op crews are having issues getting where they need to go, because of the flood.
    (:31) Cunningham-4-050517