This Week’s Guest Column from Senator Will Kraus: Understanding the August Ballot Issues

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Aug. 2 is Missouri’s primary Election Day, and several municipalities in Jackson County have ballot questions up for a vote. Additionally, Aug. 2 is the primary election for many local and state offices, including state representatives and all statewide offices, except the state auditor. Voting is a vital responsibility for citizens, and I encourage everyone to exercise their rights by participating in next Tuesday’s election.

The cities of Blue Springs, Grain Valley, Greenwood, Independence, Lake Lotawana, Lee’s Summit, Lone Jack, Oak Grove and Raytown will pose the following question to voters. It will be listed as Question 1 on all ballots except Lake Lotawana, where it will be listed as Question 3, and Lone Jack, where it will be listed as Question 2.


Shall the City of [city name], Missouri, discontinue applying and collecting the local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats and outboard motors that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer?

Approval of this measure will result in a reduction of local revenue to provide for vital services for the City of Blue Springs, and it will place Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats and trailers at a competitive disadvantage to non-Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats and trailers.


Lake Lotawana


Shall the City of Lake Lotawana, Missouri, increase the existing roads and streets sales tax to the rate of one-half of one percent (1/2%) for roads, streets and other transportation purposes?



Shall the City of Lake Lotawana, Missouri, increase the existing capital improvements sales tax to the rate of one-half of one percent (1/2%) for the purpose of funding capital improvements, including the operation and maintenance of capital improvements?


Lee’s Summit


Shall the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, continue a sales tax of one-quarter (1/4) of one percent (1%) for the purpose of providing funding for local parks for the City for a period of fifteen (15) years beginning on April 1, 2018?


Lone Jack


Shall the City of Lone Jack impose a city sales tax of one-half of one percent (1/2%) for law enforcement purposes?


Candidate Primaries

 You can view the list of candidates running for county and state offices at the Jackson County Board of Elections webpage, here.