Senator Jamilah Nasheed calls on MLBC to Rescind its Endorsement

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, is writing to urge the Caucus to immediately rescind its endorsement of Mr. Jason Sengheiser in favor of another candidate, Mr. Craig Higgins, for the vacancy currently existing on the Associate Circuit bench in the City of St. Louis.

The purpose of Missouri Legislative Black Caucus (MLBC) is to promote the advancement of African-American leaders through well-considered investments of both political and human capital. I believe the best application of the Caucus’ endorsement is Mr. Higgins.

Senator Nasheed is a firm believer that justice has the best chance to prevail when the judiciary is representative of the community. In this case, Mr. Higgins is the best representative of the community.

It is Sen. Nasheed’s position that Mr. Sengheiser appears qualified and this in no way reflects her opposition to the advancement of any other group, but that the purpose of the Black Caucus specifically is to promote the advancement of African-Americans. This is especially true at a time when there are no African-American males on the bench in Missouri’s 22nd Judicial Circuit. The time is right for more well-qualified African-American judges on the bench in the City of St. Louis

For more information about Sen. Nasheed visit her Senate website at