Statement from Sen. Lincoln Hough Honoring Presidents Day

Monday, February 19, 2024

For Immediate Release: Feb. 19, 2024 
Contact Pat Thomas: 573-751-1311

Statement from Sen. Lincoln Hough Honoring Presidents Day 

Jefferson City — State Sen. Lincoln Hough, R-Springfield, today issued a statement to commemorate the Presidents Day holiday:

“The presidents whose names are etched in our memories and whose legacies stand the test of time all embody certain core values, such as respect for others, humility, boldness and a desire to do great things for the common good. 

The first, and only, president from Missouri was known for his humility. President Harry S. Truman’s leadership is beyond reproach, yet you could not find him boasting in himself. Rather, his pride was in the nation he so lovingly served. He, like all presidents, dedicated his life to the service of his nation, showing the highest form of leadership and leaving behind an example we can all follow even to this day.  

The great modern leaders like President Truman had examples to follow as well. Our nation was built on the work of men who embodied a sense of decorum. Our first president, George Washington, was placed into a position of immense leadership. His values were tested daily. He strained from the weariness of not only politics, but military life as well, yet his honor never wavered. He never spoke poorly of his enemies, rather he spoke highly of his friends. 

It is on days like today that we should collectively remember how our great nation came to be and why, despite humbled beginnings and no shortage of adversity, it remains the greatest country in the world. It was on the backs of the humble, the brave and those willing to lead by example. 

As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said in his Guildhall Address: ‘Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in the blood of his followers and the sacrifices of his friends.’”

