Senator Justin Brown's Legislative Column for Feb. 16, 2024

Friday, February 16, 2024

State Sen. Justin Brown
District 16

For Immediate Release:
Feb. 16, 2024

Capital Building, Room 420
 Jefferson City, MO 65101

Contact: Ashley Bax

A Shortened, Celebratory Week


For the first time in 20 years, there was a back-to-back champion in the NFL, and I am proud to say that team was from Missouri. Way to go Kansas City Chiefs! However, I am deeply saddened and angered by the senseless tragedy that took place Wednesday as players, coaches and fans were celebrating the team’s victory at the rally in Kansas City. I pray for the mother of two who was killed and her family, as well as the nearly two dozen who were injured when the shots were fired.  

Back in Jefferson City, the bulk of the Senate’s work was on Senate Joint Resolution 74, which would alter the rules on Initiative Petitions (IP) under the Missouri Constitution. Under the new law, if it is ultimately passed by the General Assembly and the general public across the state, IP ballot measures would require a majority of voters to approve the measure statewide, as well as in a majority of Missouri’s eight congressional districts. Senators spoke at length about this bill Monday and Tuesday, but weren’t able to reach a consensus to perfect the bill so it was laid over. That bill is likely to be brought up again when the Senate returns to action on Monday.

There were a few committee hearings early in the week. Senate Bill 1019, my proposed legislation to protect the personal information of people who make camping, lodging or shelter reservations at Missouri State Parks or State Historic Sites. The legislation would authorize public government bodies to close records containing this information unless those records are requested by the visitor themselves or they authorize such information being released. I understand the need for public records to be available for a variety of reasons, but I don’t think private citizens’ personal information should be readily available simply for trying to enjoy our state’s great parks and sites.

I expect a much busier schedule starting on Monday. I will be sure to keep you up-to-date on all of my legislation’s activities and the major issues we are working to address for our state.  

It’s my honor to serve as your senator for the 16th District. If you have questions or need any assistance, please call my office at 573-751-5713 or log onto my webpage at for more information.
