Senator Denny Hoskins' Capitol Report for the Week of Nov. 6, 2023

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Week of Nov. 6, 2023

Honoring Our Heroes

Time certainly does not slow down during this portion of the year. Not only do we “fall back” as Daylight Saving Time comes to an end, we also see our calendars quickly fill up with holidays, festivals, parties and much more. That is why I feel it is important to help draw attention to one of the holidays that could all too easily slip by with little or no attention. It isn’t a day of gifts or traditional large meals, and most people won’t travel to see their family members. It is, however, an extremely important day on the calendar, with an even more meaningful purpose. 

The eleventh day of the eleventh month is set aside as Veterans Day in the United States. What I find especially interesting about Veterans Day is that it can mean something different to each person. Every veteran might feel a different connection, and every U.S. citizen can view its meaning in their own way. The context of the day could change based on the year, era or current events. What doesn’t change, in my opinion, is the intent of a single day dedicated to all of those who have served in the armed forces, because their sacrifice is a blessing to us all. 

Personally, Veterans Day is extremely close to my heart. I am proud to say that I served in the Missouri Army National Guard. I was assigned to Delta Battery, 1st Battalion, 129th Field Artillery Regiment, which traces its start back to a militia group formed just after the Civil War. Being a part of such a historical and significant unit not only connects me to its other members, such as Capt. Harry Truman, commander of the unit in France during World War I, but it reminds me that each veteran, regardless of how and when they served, is part of the fabric of our country’s greatness. 

This is why, in my opinion, Veterans Day is not a celebration such as, for example, the Fourth of July. On that day we celebrate our freedom and independence, the founding of our nation and the ideologies that separate us and make us great. Veterans Day is about remembering that those freedoms and ideologies come at a price, and that there are millions of individuals throughout the history of our great country who were willing to put self aside to pay it. They put the needs of their fellow Americans above their own lives on their list of priorities. It takes a very special person to live each day with that mentality.

The U.S. Bureau of Veterans Affairs estimates approximately 19 million veterans live in the United States. The Missouri Veterans Commission reports around 413,000 of them live in Missouri. That is about 6% of the U.S. population and 7% of Missouri’s population, or one out of every 15 people. Each one of them is worthy of our respect and appreciation, and not one should go unnoticed. 

Odds are there is someone in your circle who has served in the military. I encourage you to reach out to them, take interest in their time in service and, most importantly, show your gratitude. 

As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at (573) 751-4302. You may also email me at