Senator Ben Brown's Capitol Report for April 28, 2023

Friday, April 28, 2023


Senator Ben Brown’s Capitol Report for April 28, 2023

Drawing Professionals to Missouri

Labor shortages, record inflation and supply chain disruptions are just a few of the challenges business owners are facing across our state. Since the Legislature has little control over the latter two issues, I filed Senate Bill 88 to help address our state’s ongoing labor deficiencies by modifing and simplifing several provisions relating to professional licensing. This legislation was passed by the Senate on April 27 and includes language to streamline the process for applying for a temporary license.

In addition to passing SB 88, I started the week off by presenting my legislation, Senate Bill 411, permitting home-schooled children to participate in school district activities to the House General Laws Committee. As a former athlete, my childhood was greatly impacted by my particiaton in the sport of wrestling. It’s not right that any child should be denied the additional enrichment and life skills this participation in youth athletics provides. Senate Bill 411 reclassifies home schooled families who participate in extra-curricular activities or utilize the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program (ESA) as “FLEX schools,” an acronym for Family-Led Educational Experience.

Senator Brown presents SB 411 & 230 to the House General Laws Committee on April 24. In the background are home-schooled students who came to testify in favor of SB 411 & 230.

I’m pleased to inform you the House has placed Senate Bill 167 on its calendar for third reading, so I’m hopeful they take the measure up soon to give our hardworking professional drivers more options to submit their medical certification for a CDL.

In floor activity this week, the Senate passed a resolution to strengthen Missouri’s initiative petition process and prevent unneccesary changes to our Constitution. Pending voter approval,  House Joint Resolution 43 will raise the theshhold for passing a constitutional amendment to 57% of votes cast or a simple majority of votes in five out of our eight congressional districts. I feel out-of-state influences and dark money have made it too easy to enshrine bad policies in our Constitution, so I’m thankful we took action to protect this sacred, guiding document.

After many long hours of debate, the Senate passed its version of the 14 appropriations bills that will fund state departments and services in FY ’24. All told, the budget for next year will top $50 billion – the largest state budget to date. During the nearly 12-hour debate on these bills, I stood with several of my colleagues as we tried to eliminate funding for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in state department budgets. Unfortunately, these amendments were voted down by a narrow margin during this heated discussion. I believe DEI policies are ineffective, divisive, unfair and anti-business, and therefore have no place in state government. I will continue to fight to ensure we don’t fund these types of unneccessary initiatives.


It is an honor serving those who call the 26th Senatorial District home. If you need assistance with navigating state government or the legislative process, please reach out by calling 573-751-3678 or emailing