HB 1783 Signs for museums and attractions to be allowed on highway rights-of-way
Bill Summary
- Prepared by Senate Research -

SCS/HB 1783 - This act contains several provisions for signs along highway rights-of-way.

BILLBOARDS - All cities and counties are allowed to regulate the height, size, lighting and spacing of billboards in a manner more restrictive than state law. No city or county may impose an initial inspection fee of over $500 or a business tax over 2% of the revenue produced by the sign.

LOGO SIGNS - The act specifies the categories for the logo sign program along the highway right-of-way. A 5th category that is not allowed under current regulations is "attractions". This requirement is subject to federal law, and the Highways and Transportation Commission is required to apply for an experimental sign program.

TOURIST SIGNS - The Highways and Transportation Commission may establish a "tourist-oriented directional sign" program within the right-of-way of any road except freeways and interstates. The signs shall be for tourist-oriented businesses, services and natural attractions, including caves, museums and wineries.

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