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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Bill Eigel
SB 733
Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
SB 734
Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
SB 735
Creates and modifies provisions relating to gold and silver
SB 831
Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations
SB 832
Modifies provisions relating to elections
SB 833
Creates provisions relating to condemnation of land by certain utilities
SB 922
Modifies provisions relating to annexation
SB 923
Creates new provisions relating to protecting public assets from adversarial foreign assets
SB 924
Modifies provisions relating to the foreign ownership of real estate
SB 1004
Creates the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act
SB 1005
Authorizes the Governor to transfer the powers, duties, personnel, and property of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to other state agencies
SB 1006
Modifies provisions relating to charter schools and the assessment of public elementary and secondary schools
SB 1307
Creates new requirements for eligibility for public office
SB 1334
Enacts regulations on automated license plate reader systems
SB 1372
Creates new provisions relating to illegal immigrants
SB 1402
Provides that students enrolled in the Reserve Officer Training Corps at a state college or university shall be eligible for in-state tuition fees
SB 1480
Reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary Election
SB 1493
Creates provision relating to clean energy generation
SB 1513
Creates provisions relating to the release of contaminants into public water systems or drinking water sources
SB 1514
Creates provisions related to the maximum contaminant level of vinyl chloride in drinking water
SB 1515
Establishes a pilot program for certain medical services for veterans and other first responders
SB 1516
Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission
SB 1517
Repeals future motor fuel tax increases, and provides for a 180-day period during which the motor fuel tax shall not be in effect
SB 1518
Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination against businesses based on ESG scores
SB 1519
Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of real property
SCR 25
Commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with Missouri and the United States, supports Israel's right to exist, and recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel
SJR 51
Modifies procedures for initiative petitions
SJR 52
Prohibits foreign ownership of agricultural land in Missouri
SJR 53
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SJR 83
Modifies provisions relating to constitutional amendments
SJR 89
Modifies provisions relating to the state budget
SR 552
Amends Senate Rule 64 to require a floor substitute to be distributed to members of the Senate at least two legislative days before being offered
SR 557
Modifies Senate Rules 50 and 60 regarding the report by the Committee on Appropriations for new appropriations of general revenue
SR 558
Modifies Senate Rule 60 regarding the amendment process for appropriations bills
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