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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Andrew Koenig
SB 727
Creates and modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 728
Creates provisions relating to public elementary and secondary school students
SB 729
Authorizes a tax credit for certain educational expenses
SB 826
Creates new provisions relating to central bank digital currency
SB 827
Creates new provisions relating to social objective scoring standards
SB 828
Allows an income tax deduction for certain law enforcement officers
SB 919
Modifies provisions relating to certain improvement districts
SB 920
Provides that charter schools may be operated in Boone County and St. Louis County
SB 921
Modifies provisions relating to student enrollment in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program
SB 1001
Modifies provisions relating to property taxes
SB 1002
Prohibits school districts and charter schools from requiring students to wear face masks or be immunized against COVID-19
SB 1003
Modifies requirements for ballot measure circulators
SB 1075
Modifies provisions of the Higher Education Core Curriculum Transfer Act
SB 1076
Creates new provisions relating to the treatment of summary statements prepared by the General Assembly for ballot measures
SB 1077
Prohibits contracts with the state for employers providing assistance to employees for the purpose of having an abortion
SB 1132
Modifies provisions relating to earnings taxes
SB 1133
Modifies provisions relating to child placement
SB 1134
Modifies provisions relating to ethics
SB 1179
Modifies provisions relating to benevolent tax credits
SB 1180
Modifies a sales tax exemption for the sale of certain medical devices
SB 1181
Establishes provisions relating to discussion of certain concepts in public schools
SB 1208
Provides that the State Board of Education shall cause its annual report to be published on the website of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SB 1250
Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of pass-through entities
SB 1302
Creates new provisions relating to prohibited investments for public funds
SB 1331
Creates the offense of improper entry by an alien
SB 1459
Creates a provision relating to reproductive health care
SJR 49
Modifies process for ballot measures
SJR 50
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SJR 87
Creates provisions relating to abortion and assistance to pregnant women and families
HB 1912
Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of pass-through entities
HB 2058
Modifies provisions relating to local taxation
HB 2282
Enacts the "Building Permit Reform Act"
HB 2287
Establishes provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
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