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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Steven Roberts
SB 790
Creates the offense of unlawful possession of a firearm by a minor
SB 791
Modifies provisions relating to homelessness
SB 792
Establishes the Revitalizing Missouri Downtowns and Main Streets Act
SB 883
Creates provisions relating to compensation for wrongful convictions
SB 884
Modifies provisions relating to facilities of historic significance
SB 885
Modifies provisions relating to school board elections in urban and metropolitan school districts
SB 965
Authorizes a sales tax for special educational services
SB 966
Authorizes a property tax for special educational services
SB 967
Modifies the calculation of weighted average daily attendance used to calculate state aid for school districts
SB 1039
Creates the Missouri Geospatial Advisory Council
SB 1040
Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children
SB 1041
Modifies provisions relating to benevolent tax credits
SB 1096
Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution
SB 1097
Creates certificates of exemplary conduct and good moral character issued by circuit courts
SB 1098
Creates provisions relating to inmate phone call fees
SB 1147
Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility
SB 1148
Repeals provisions relating to the caseload of public defenders
SB 1149
Modifies provisions relating to delinquent property taxes
SB 1191
Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons
SB 1192
Creates provisions relating to grants for nonprofit organizations at risk for terrorist attacks
SB 1193
Enacts new law relating to wage range inquiries by employees and prospective employees
SB 1215
Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines
SB 1263
Modifies eligibility for appropriations from the Waterways and Ports Trust Fund
SB 1332
Modifies the Board of Trustees of the Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis
SB 1333
Modifies provisions relating to good time credit for time served
SB 1404
Allows the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Retirement System of St. Louis to act as trustees and administer other pension plans
SB 1405
Modifies provisions relating to compensation for assisting or advising in veteran benefits matters
SB 1439
Modifies provisions relating to detached catalytic converters
SJR 94
Creates provisions relating to the appointment of certain St. Louis City officers
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