SB 730 - This act establishes a pilot program known as the "Community Crime Reduction Grant Program" which shall provide money to municipal police departments that apply to the Department of Public Safety for a grant. The grants provided under this act shall be subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. Grants received from the program shall be used as payment for the following: • Up to 50% of the cost of employing new law enforcement officers needed to raise the department's officer to population ratio to two officers per one thousand people; and • Up to 100% of the cost for law enforcement officers hired with grant money by the municipal police department to attend not less than one seminar relating to fair and impartial policing and one seminar relating to racial sensitivity at the University of Missouri Law Enforcement Training Institute. Municipal police departments that receive a grant shall submit an annual report with information as provided in the act to the Department of Public Safety on or before December 31st of each year in which the department received the grant money. This act also creates the "Community Crime Reduction Program Fund" which shall consist of all gifts, bequests, transfers, and money appropriated by the General Assembly for the program. Money from the Fund shall be used solely by the Department of Public Safety to issue grants to qualifying municipal police departments through the program. The Department of Public Safety shall administer the grants issued under the program and promulgate all rules and regulations for the administration of the program. The provisions in this act shall sunset after four years unless reauthorized by the General Assembly. This act is substantially similar to SB 572 (2020) and HB 2466 (2016). MARY GRACE PRINGLE