Senate Substitute

SS/SCS/SB 756 - Current law authorizes a property tax credit for certain seniors who are eligible for Social Security retirement benefits. This act modifies the definition of "eligible credit amount" and adds a definition of "initial credit year".

This act also modifies the definition of "eligible taxpayer" by providing that a taxpayer shall be 62 years of age or older, rather than eligible for Social Security retirement benefits, and that the taxpayer shall not owe delinquent taxes, interest, or penalties to the county.

This act also provides that an ordinance authorizing a property tax credit that is adopted by a county shall not preclude such ordinance from being subsequently amended or superseded by a petition adopted pursuant to the act.

Finally, this act requires that a county granting a tax credit shall notify each political subdivision within such county of the total credit amount applicable to such political subdivision by no later than November 30th of each year.


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