Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Brattin
SB 693
Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines
SB 694
Creates provisions related to public school curriculum and instruction
SB 695
Modifies various provisions relating to elections
SB 776
Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2022"
SB 777
Modifies provisions relating to the administration of unemployment benefits
SB 778
Prohibits abortions following the detection of a fetal heartbeat and adds a private cause of action
SB 839
Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements
SB 840
Authorizes the General Assembly and the Attorney General to review and prohibit implementation of certain federal actions in this state
SB 841
Establishes the Education Savings Account Program
SB 887
Modifies provisions relating to voter registration
SB 888
Creates provisions relating to bail
SB 889
Modifies provisions relating to county auditors
SB 923
Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites
SB 1047
Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases
SB 1048
Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers
SB 1049
Modifies process for municipal elections
SB 1050
Requires video cameras on certain elementary and secondary school buses
SB 1051
Enacts provisions relating earned school credit in out-of-classroom learning experiences
SB 1102
Exempts sales of firearms and ammunition from state and local sales taxes
SB 1103
Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates
SB 1104
Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense
SB 1223
Allows certain veterans to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge for life
SB 1224
Modifies provisions relating to the offense of providing obscene material to a student
SB 1225
Creates the "Sunlight in Learning Act"
SB 1226
Requires state departments to submit a budget analysis to the House Budget and Senate Appropriations committees
SB 1227
Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens
SB 1240
Establishes the Organized Retail Crime Task Force
SB 1241
Modifies provisions relating to peace officer training requirements
SB 1242
Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications
SJR 59
Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax
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