Topical Index

Last Generated: 1/26/2025 6:01 AM

Abortion (17)

SB 637 - Onder - Excludes from eligible MO HealthNet providers any abortion providers and affiliates

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 699 - Moon - Establishes the "Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act"

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 753 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 778 - Brattin - Prohibits abortions following the detection of a fetal heartbeat and adds a private cause of action

SB 892 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 1103 - Brattin - Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SB 1202 - Koenig - Enacts provisions extending the laws of Missouri relating to abortion to certain conduct occurring outside the state

SCR 37 - Brown - Provides notice to the Revisor of Statutes of United States Supreme Court's overruling of Roe v. Wade

SJR 34 - Eigel - Prohibits expenditures of public funds to any person or facility, or affiliate of such, performing or inducing an abortion

SJR 48 - Moon - Recognizes that unborn children have equal protection of the laws, prohibits abortion, and prohibits public funding of abortion

SJR 52 - Koenig - Establishes "Protect Children First"

SJR 53 - Onder - Recognizes that nothing in the Missouri Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

Administration, Office of (19)

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 842 - Moon - Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 924 - Beck - Modifies provisions governing project labor agreements

SB 925 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing reciprocal resident bidding

SB 996 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the administration of the State Personnel Law by eliminating the Personnel Advisory Board

SB 997 - Bernskoetter - Modifies various provisions relating to public employees

SB 1032 - Hegeman - Modifies the Opioid Addiction Treatment and Recovery Fund

SB 1111 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Kirksville

SB 1112 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Pike County

SB 1188 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to employer liability

SB 1220 - Gannon - Creates new standards for certain public contracts

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 1597 - Busick - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HB 1757 - Railsback - Creates the State Building Usage Task Force

HB 2090 - Griffith - Modifies various provisions relating to the payment of funds from the state treasury

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

HB 2289 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to requirements for public notices

HB 3005 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Office of Administration and other departments

Administrative Rules (4)

SB 956 - Moon - Prohibits the enforcement of any federal regulation by a state department or agency until the enforcement is approved by the General Assembly

SB 1068 - Hoskins - Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act

SB 1214 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the rulemaking authority of the Department of Health and Senior Services

HB 2587 - Riley - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

Advertising and Signs (1)

SB 1101 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

Agriculture (22)

SB 644 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural tax credits

SB 717 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for urban farms

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 785 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to limitations on certain commercial motor vehicles

SB 791 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the foreign ownership of agricultural land

SB 805 - Hoskins - Authorizes tax credits for the production and sale of biodiesel fuel

SB 817 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the family farm livestock loan program

SB 847 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 866 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset of tax credits for agricultural production

SB 986 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits

SB 1030 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to the soybean producers assessment

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1091 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives

SB 1152 - Eslinger - Modifies a sales tax exemption for certain farm machinery and equipment

SB 1157 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to speciality agricultural crops

SB 1159 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Agriculture to promote Missouri hardwood forest products

SB 1235 - May - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SCR 22 - Beck - Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling

HB 1720 - Pollitt - Modifies several provisions relating to agricultural economic opportunities

HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks

HB 1977 - Kelley - Permits the sale of raw milk or cream in certain circumstances

HB 2387 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the soybean producers assessment

Agriculture, Department of (6)

SB 750 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to anhydrous ammonia

SB 1159 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Agriculture to promote Missouri hardwood forest products

SB 1235 - May - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

SCR 22 - Beck - Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling

HB 2387 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the soybean producers assessment

HB 3006 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation

Air Quality (4)

SB 750 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to anhydrous ammonia

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 1069 - Hoskins - Creates provisions relating to the use of refrigerants

Aircraft and Airports (2)

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

Alcohol (3)

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

HB 1489 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

Ambulances and Ambulance Districts (5)

SB 725 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services

SB 966 - Hough - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax

SB 976 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to ambulance districts

SB 1059 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

Animals (12)

SB 697 - Gannon - Prohibits villages, towns, cities, and counties from regulating dogs in a breed-specific manner

SB 765 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to offenses against police dogs

SB 817 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the family farm livestock loan program

SB 847 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to the confiscation of animals

SB 979 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to animal research at colleges and universities

SB 980 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of animal abuse

SB 1035 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to hunting permits

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SCR 22 - Beck - Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling

SJR 32 - Hoskins - Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Appropriations (28)

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1110 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to proceedings of the Judicial Finance Commission

SB 1159 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Agriculture to promote Missouri hardwood forest products

SB 1226 - Brattin - Requires state departments to submit a budget analysis to the House Budget and Senate Appropriations committees

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 3001 - Smith - Appropriations funds for the cost of issuing bonds

HB 3002 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

HB 3003 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

HB 3004 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation

HB 3005 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Office of Administration and other departments

HB 3006 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation

HB 3007 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations

HB 3008 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Public Safety

HB 3009 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Corrections

HB 3010 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Health and Senior Services

HB 3011 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Social Services

HB 3012 - Smith - Appropriates funds for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, Public Defender and the General Assembly

HB 3013 - Smith - Appropriates funding for statewide leasing

HB 3014 - Smith - Appropriates supplemental state funding

HB 3015 - Smith - Supplemental Appropriations

HB 3017 - Smith - Reappropriates funds for capitol improvements and other purposes for state departments

HB 3018 - Smith - Appropriates funds for state departments maintenance and improvements

HB 3019 - Smith - Appropriates funds for planning and improvement of state projects

HB 3020 - Smith - Appropriates funds from the American Recovery Plan Act

HB 3021 - Smith - Appropriates funds for a one-time income tax credit

Arts and Humanities (1)

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

Attorney General (27)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 699 - Moon - Establishes the "Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act"

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 754 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication practices

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 819 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to certain employees regulating gaming

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 862 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to initiative and referendum petitions

SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 985 - Thompson Rehder - Limits claims brought by political subdivisions against certain entities who are parties to a statewide opioid settlement agreement

SB 992 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to attorney's fees for certain civil actions brought against political subdivisions

SB 1083 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the attorney general

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1095 - Gannon - Creates provisions relating to the licensing of electronic literary products

SB 1103 - Brattin - Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates

SB 1110 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to proceedings of the Judicial Finance Commission

SB 1111 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Kirksville

SB 1112 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Pike County

SB 1150 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to certain experimental or investigational medical treatments

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

SB 1240 - Brattin - Establishes the Organized Retail Crime Task Force

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1597 - Busick - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Attorneys (14)

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

SB 992 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to attorney's fees for certain civil actions brought against political subdivisions

SB 1023 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states

SB 1039 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the office of the public defender

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1130 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to earned compliance credits for probation

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SB 1215 - Schupp - Creates provisions relating to a task force on cyber crimes

SB 1218 - Hegeman - Modifies Supreme Court Rule 52.08 relating to class actions

SB 1241 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer training requirements

SJR 30 - Hegeman - Provides for gubernatorial appointment of members of the nonpartisan judicial commissions

SJR 44 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

Auditor, State (4)

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 1103 - Brattin - Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

Banks and Financial Institutions (12)

SB 656 - Crawford - Establishes the "Missouri Rural Credit Opportunity Act"

SB 716 - Roberts - Creates new provisions relating to financial institutions

SB 831 - Brown - Creates and modifies provisions relating to tampering with teller machines

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 974 - Schupp - Modifies provisions governing traditional installment loan lenders

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1089 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

SB 1096 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of certain financial institutions

SB 1212 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the apportionment of income for financial institutions

SCR 26 - May - Urges the U.S. Congress to enact the proposed Economic Democracy Act as a national just free market policy

HB 1472 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of money laundering

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Councils (54)

SB 704 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to salary schedules for third class counties

SB 705 - Bean - Establishes the Joint Committee on Rural Economic Development

SB 740 - Eigel - Modifies and creates provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 741 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to the disclosure pf personal information to public agencies

SB 750 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to anhydrous ammonia

SB 768 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions regarding accountability requirements for public schools and establishes the School Accountability Board

SB 769 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions establishing pilot recovery high schools for students in recovery from substance use disorder or substance dependency

SB 770 - May - Modifies provisions regarding employment information provided to graduates of institutions of higher education

SB 772 - May - Establishes the Community Investment Corporation Development Act

SB 788 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to vandalism of certain property designated by a county commission

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 864 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to membership on certain state administrative entities

SB 865 - Hoskins - Modifies the membership of the Missouri Development Finance Board

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 918 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

SB 938 - White - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of assistant physicians

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 949 - Mosley - Requires boards of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 976 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to ambulance districts

SB 1001 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of land surveyors

SB 1002 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing reciprocity for physicians

SB 1004 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to mining

SB 1053 - Bernskoetter - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 1068 - Hoskins - Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1082 - Rowden - Establishes the Charter Public School Commission Revolving Fund

SB 1112 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Pike County

SB 1113 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to driver's education and training

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1125 - Arthur - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

SB 1161 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to savings accounts for education expenses

SB 1183 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1213 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

SB 1238 - Schatz - Requires annual presentation of a State of the State of Transportation to a joint session of the General Assembly by the Director of the Department of Transportation

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 1720 - Pollitt - Modifies several provisions relating to agricultural economic opportunities

HB 1732 - O'Donnell - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

HB 1984 - Hovis - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 2587 - Riley - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2600 - Railsback - Modifies the provisions relating to natural resources.

HB 2638 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to broadband services

Boats and Watercraft (4)

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

Bonds - Bail (3)

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Bonds - General Obligation and Revenue (2)

SB 988 - Cierpiot - Requires unspent school district bond proceeds to be transferred to the district's debt service fund

SB 1034 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to bonded indebtedness of school districts

Bonds - Surety (3)

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

Buses (5)

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 1038 - Brown - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

HB 1973 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to school activities

Business and Commerce (20)

SB 651 - Eigel - Creates new provisions prohibiting vaccination mandates imposed by employers

SB 731 - Schupp - Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer

SB 833 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to covenants involving business entities

SB 877 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the secretary of state

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1042 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to electronic delivery of insurance documents or notices

SB 1048 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1171 - Moon - Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination against businesses based on environmental, social, and governance scores

HB 1472 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of money laundering

HB 1489 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 1697 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to cottage food sales through the Internet

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2574 - Mayhew - Modifies provisions relating to keeping records for the sale of certain materials

HB 2587 - Riley - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

Campaign Finance (2)

SB 807 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 931 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

Capital Improvements (15)

SB 932 - Eigel - Creates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Fund

SB 962 - Luetkemeyer - Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bids for a contract on the work first closes

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1163 - Hegeman - Creates the "Transportation Accountability Fund"

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

SB 1238 - Schatz - Requires annual presentation of a State of the State of Transportation to a joint session of the General Assembly by the Director of the Department of Transportation

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 3017 - Smith - Reappropriates funds for capitol improvements and other purposes for state departments

HB 3018 - Smith - Appropriates funds for state departments maintenance and improvements

HB 3019 - Smith - Appropriates funds for planning and improvement of state projects

Cemeteries (3)

SB 886 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to trusts

HB 2143 - Kalberloh - Modifies provisions relating to cemetery trust funds

HB 2163 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher

Certificate of Need (2)

SB 727 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SB 890 - Moon - Repeals the certificate of need law

Charities (3)

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 1151 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to grants to not-for-profit organizations for physical security measures

HB 1489 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

Children and Minors (63)

SB 646 - Koenig - Establishes the "School Freedom Act" relating to COVID-19 policies in schools

SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program

SB 664 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for parole

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 683 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to child care

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 691 - Thompson Rehder - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on certain adults seeking enrollment in courses taught at public schools

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 751 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to location restrictions for certain offenders

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 806 - Hoskins - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

SB 809 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of employment

SB 816 - Arthur - Modifies the calculation of average daily attendance for early childhood education programs

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 826 - Hough - Modifies age range of children in license-exempt neighborhood youth development programs

SB 834 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to Department of Corrections programs

SB 839 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children

SB 857 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 872 - Eigel - Provides for the redaction of personal identifying information of minors and next friends from public court automation systems

SB 886 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to trusts

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 916 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to exempt child care facilities

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 935 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 982 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1075 - Schupp - Creates a grant program to provide funding to schools to mitigate lead in drinking water

SB 1123 - Arthur - Authorizes a tax credit for a stillborn child

SB 1158 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to tobacco products

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1169 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to third-party custodians of children

SB 1176 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1216 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 1221 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 1224 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of providing obscene material to a student

SJR 52 - Koenig - Establishes "Protect Children First"

HB 1481 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions related to school protection officers

HB 1552 - Richey - Modifies provisions related to alternative education programs

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 1897 - DeGroot - Establishes the Correctional Center Nursery Program

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

HB 1973 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to school activities

HB 2000 - Schwadron - Creates provisions relating to Holocaust education

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2160 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to a sexual offender's duty to report

HB 2365 - Shields - Modifies the Early Learning Quality Assurance Report Program

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2600 - Railsback - Modifies the provisions relating to natural resources.

HB 2623 - Veit - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain individuals

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Children's Division (8)

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 982 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1216 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

Chiropractors (1)

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Circuit Clerks (3)

SB 793 - Washington - Creates provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

Cities, Towns, and Villages (21)

SB 634 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 697 - Gannon - Prohibits villages, towns, cities, and counties from regulating dogs in a breed-specific manner

SB 735 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to certain special taxing districts

SB 736 - Koenig - Authorizes a property tax credit as a result of certain restrictive orders

SB 743 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 759 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 828 - Hough - Repeals wharfage taxes on landings made at certain wharfs

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

SB 1060 - Brown - Authorizes the city of Rolla to propose a sales tax for public safety

SB 1074 - Hegeman - Prohibits political subdivisions from using federal funds for the construction of retail broadband internet infrastructure in certain circumstances

SB 1089 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

SB 1172 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax revenues for certain transportation authorities

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SJR 38 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

HB 1696 - Reedy - Modifies provisions relating to the illegal discharge of firearms

HB 2177 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

HB 2218 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to property regulations for certain cities and counties

Civil Penalties (9)

SB 647 - Koenig - Establishes a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students

SB 753 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 778 - Brattin - Prohibits abortions following the detection of a fetal heartbeat and adds a private cause of action

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

Civil Procedure (22)

SB 631 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations

SB 635 - Riddle - Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages

SB 669 - White - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions, including determinations of fault and immunity from products liability

SB 722 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments

SB 778 - Brattin - Prohibits abortions following the detection of a fetal heartbeat and adds a private cause of action

SB 821 - Burlison - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable, rather than jointly liable

SB 879 - Burlison - Establishes disclosure procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure

SB 940 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of appeals

SB 975 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the admissibility of evidence of collateral source payments in civil cases

SB 1005 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1084 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1148 - Roberts - Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution processes

SB 1198 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly

SB 1217 - Hegeman - Modifies procedure for appellate review of class action certification

SB 1218 - Hegeman - Modifies Supreme Court Rule 52.08 relating to class actions

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1243 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 2660 - Veit - Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution processes

Civil Rights (8)

SB 638 - Onder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 676 - Brown - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 711 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 994 - Washington - Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination based on hairstyles

SB 1184 - Thompson Rehder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

Commerce and Insurance, Department of (30)

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 947 - White - Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

SB 959 - Beck - Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug

SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1017 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the renaming and reorganization of certain state agencies

SB 1024 - Gannon - Modifies the definition of "health carrier" to include prepaid dental plans for purposes of practitioner credentialing

SB 1031 - Beck - Enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing under health benefit plans

SB 1042 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to electronic delivery of insurance documents or notices

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1096 - Crawford - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of certain financial institutions

SB 1097 - Burlison - Provides that dentists may enter into medical retainer agreements

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services

SB 1166 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to coverage of diagnostic examinations for breast cancer under certain health benefit plans

SB 1180 - Hough - Adds prepaid dental plans to a statute regarding the assignment of insurance benefits

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 3007 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations

Compacts (1)

SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology

Conservation, Department of (4)

SB 1035 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to hunting permits

SB 1223 - Brattin - Allows certain veterans to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge for life

SJR 32 - Hoskins - Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish

HB 3006 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation

Constitutional Amendments (39)

SB 812 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 1040 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution

SCR 21 - White - Calls for an Article V convention of states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to authorize the several states to repeal certain federal actions

SJR 30 - Hegeman - Provides for gubernatorial appointment of members of the nonpartisan judicial commissions

SJR 31 - Onder - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 32 - Hoskins - Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish

SJR 33 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SJR 34 - Eigel - Prohibits expenditures of public funds to any person or facility, or affiliate of such, performing or inducing an abortion

SJR 35 - Eigel - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

SJR 36 - Rizzo - Modifies legislative term limits

SJR 37 - Crawford - Modifies the voter approval threshold for initiative petitions

SJR 38 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners

SJR 39 - Luetkemeyer - Allows the growth in assessed values to be limited by law

SJR 40 - Luetkemeyer - Exempts certain disabled veterans from property taxes

SJR 41 - Roberts - Authorizes counties to freeze the real property assessed values of certain senior citizens

SJR 42 - Washington - Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties

SJR 43 - Washington - Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties

SJR 44 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers

SJR 45 - Mosley - Modifies various provisions relating to the General Assembly

SJR 46 - Cierpiot - Requires all county assessors to be elected

SJR 47 - Moon - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

SJR 48 - Moon - Recognizes that unborn children have equal protection of the laws, prohibits abortion, and prohibits public funding of abortion

SJR 49 - Mosley - Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly

SJR 50 - Eigel - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

SJR 51 - Cierpiot - Modifies procedures relating to initiative petitions

SJR 52 - Koenig - Establishes "Protect Children First"

SJR 53 - Onder - Recognizes that nothing in the Missouri Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 59 - Brattin - Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax

HJR 79 - Henderson - Modifies the process for adopting constitutional amendments

HJR 91 - Eggleston - Modifies the initiative petition process

HJR 94 - Simmons - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to voter registration

HJR 116 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

HJR 117 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services

HJR 131 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Construction and Building Codes (3)

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 2607 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to excursion gambling boat facilities

Consumer Protection (27)

SB 754 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication practices

SB 774 - Thompson Rehder - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 963 - Brown - Creates new provisions requiring the disclosure of information pertaining to certain commercial financing products

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 974 - Schupp - Modifies provisions governing traditional installment loan lenders

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1042 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to electronic delivery of insurance documents or notices

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1095 - Gannon - Creates provisions relating to the licensing of electronic literary products

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services

SB 1240 - Brattin - Establishes the Organized Retail Crime Task Force

HB 1667 - Christofanelli - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

HB 1725 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Contracts and Contractors (32)

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 789 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing covenants not to compete

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 832 - Luetkemeyer - Provides sovereign immunity for private contractors acting within the scope of a government contract

SB 833 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to covenants involving business entities

SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 924 - Beck - Modifies provisions governing project labor agreements

SB 925 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing reciprocal resident bidding

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 962 - Luetkemeyer - Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bids for a contract on the work first closes

SB 963 - Brown - Creates new provisions requiring the disclosure of information pertaining to certain commercial financing products

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 997 - Bernskoetter - Modifies various provisions relating to public employees

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1048 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1097 - Burlison - Provides that dentists may enter into medical retainer agreements

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1170 - Schupp - Provides for school contracted agents trained by a nurse to administer an epinephrine auto syringe

SB 1180 - Hough - Adds prepaid dental plans to a statute regarding the assignment of insurance benefits

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1210 - May - Provides for school contracted agents trained by a nurse to administer an epinephrine auto syringe

SB 1220 - Gannon - Creates new standards for certain public contracts

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

Cooperatives (9)

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 763 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 990 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions relating to pole replacements for certain broadband facilities

HB 1734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 2005 - Haffner - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Corporations (20)

SB 701 - Moon - Eliminates the corporate income tax

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 763 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

SB 807 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 824 - White - Creates a community solar pilot program

SB 848 - Bean - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

SB 877 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the secretary of state

SB 931 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 969 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

SB 1003 - Bernskoetter - Creates provisions relating to incumbent electric transmission owners

SB 1073 - Burlison - Creates provisions relating to the electric grid

SB 1080 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities

SB 1177 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for electrical corporations

HB 1684 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

HB 1734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 2005 - Haffner - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Corrections, Department of (24)

SB 714 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 834 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to Department of Corrections programs

SB 838 - May - Modifies provisions relating to terms of imprisonment

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

SB 899 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to the "Office of State Ombudsman for Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Corrections"

SB 948 - White - Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation

SB 964 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to conditional release

SB 995 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 1023 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states

SB 1032 - Hegeman - Modifies the Opioid Addiction Treatment and Recovery Fund

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1094 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1130 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to earned compliance credits for probation

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1201 - Rizzo - Creates provisions relating to postconviction relief

HB 1705 - Roberts - Establishes procedures for a violent offender registry, which will include any person on probation or parole for first or second degree murder

HB 1897 - DeGroot - Establishes the Correctional Center Nursery Program

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

HB 3009 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Corrections

Counseling (1)

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

Counties (47)

SB 634 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 649 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 680 - Luetkemeyer - Places a limit on the growth in assessments of residential real property

SB 704 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to salary schedules for third class counties

SB 706 - Bean - Creates new provisions relating to labor organizations

SB 715 - Roberts - Authorizes a property tax credit for certain senior citizens

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 735 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to certain special taxing districts

SB 736 - Koenig - Authorizes a property tax credit as a result of certain restrictive orders

SB 788 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to vandalism of certain property designated by a county commission

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 845 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 858 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 886 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to trusts

SB 889 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to county auditors

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 911 - Eigel - Requires political subdivisions to revise property tax levies as a result of receiving American Rescue Plan funds

SB 914 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri housing trust fund

SB 937 - White - Modifies provisions relating to change of venue for felonies and misdemeanors

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 1006 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the compensation of jurors for certain counties

SB 1014 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of solar energy property

SB 1019 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the reimbursement to counties for change of venue costs

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1036 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to the compensation of county officials

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

SB 1047 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1085 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to county coroners

SB 1089 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

SB 1108 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

SB 1110 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to proceedings of the Judicial Finance Commission

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1128 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to compensation for county coroners

SB 1144 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the auction of lands with delinquent property taxes

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

SB 1191 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SJR 46 - Cierpiot - Requires all county assessors to be elected

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 2143 - Kalberloh - Modifies provisions relating to cemetery trust funds

HB 2218 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to property regulations for certain cities and counties

County Government (32)

SB 634 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 704 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to salary schedules for third class counties

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 788 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to vandalism of certain property designated by a county commission

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 845 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 858 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 886 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to trusts

SB 889 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to county auditors

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 914 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri housing trust fund

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 1006 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the compensation of jurors for certain counties

SB 1036 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to the compensation of county officials

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

SB 1047 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases

SB 1085 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to county coroners

SB 1089 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1128 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to compensation for county coroners

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

SB 1191 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

SJR 46 - Cierpiot - Requires all county assessors to be elected

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 2143 - Kalberloh - Modifies provisions relating to cemetery trust funds

County Officials (44)

SB 633 - Hegeman - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 654 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 668 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 670 - White - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 679 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 695 - Brattin - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 704 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to salary schedules for third class counties

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 730 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to absentee voting

SB 738 - Eigel - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 780 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to voter identification

SB 845 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 861 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 875 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to absentee voting

SB 887 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 889 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to county auditors

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 907 - Koenig - Modifies provisions governing primary elections

SB 914 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri housing trust fund

SB 937 - White - Modifies provisions relating to change of venue for felonies and misdemeanors

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 1006 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the compensation of jurors for certain counties

SB 1014 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of solar energy property

SB 1036 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to the compensation of county officials

SB 1049 - Brattin - Modifies process for municipal elections

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1065 - Hoskins - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 1085 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to county coroners

SB 1088 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to salaries of public administrators

SB 1089 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

SB 1128 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to compensation for county coroners

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

SB 1191 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SJR 46 - Cierpiot - Requires all county assessors to be elected

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1713 - Riley - Establishes the Missouri Religious Freedom Protection Act, which prohibits public officials from issuing orders limiting religious services or meetings

HB 1859 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to ballots

HB 1878 - Simmons - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Courts (66)

SB 640 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to rights of sexual assault survivors

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 687 - Williams - Authorizes expungement of certain offenses

SB 722 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 793 - Washington - Creates provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 795 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement officer use of force

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 825 - White - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 839 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 856 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the expungement of records

SB 857 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 872 - Eigel - Provides for the redaction of personal identifying information of minors and next friends from public court automation systems

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

SB 936 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 937 - White - Modifies provisions relating to change of venue for felonies and misdemeanors

SB 940 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of appeals

SB 948 - White - Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation

SB 992 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to attorney's fees for certain civil actions brought against political subdivisions

SB 1005 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act

SB 1006 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the compensation of jurors for certain counties

SB 1019 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the reimbursement to counties for change of venue costs

SB 1032 - Hegeman - Modifies the Opioid Addiction Treatment and Recovery Fund

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1087 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to certificates of moral character for persons convicted of certain offenses

SB 1093 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the release of a person from prison

SB 1094 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1109 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to civil detention

SB 1110 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to proceedings of the Judicial Finance Commission

SB 1117 - Moon - Establishes procedures for entering into and dissolving covenant marriages

SB 1122 - White - Modifies the expiration dates for provisions relating to court automation

SB 1127 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence

SB 1130 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to earned compliance credits for probation

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1173 - Schupp - Increases the number of circuit judges in the 21st Judicial Circuit in St. Louis County

SB 1176 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

SB 1198 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SB 1209 - May - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the maintenance of a law library

SB 1217 - Hegeman - Modifies procedure for appellate review of class action certification

SB 1218 - Hegeman - Modifies Supreme Court Rule 52.08 relating to class actions

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1230 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to expungement of criminal records

SJR 30 - Hegeman - Provides for gubernatorial appointment of members of the nonpartisan judicial commissions

SJR 44 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1699 - Roberts - Modifies and establishes provisions relating to domestic violence

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2160 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to a sexual offender's duty to report

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

HB 2660 - Veit - Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution processes

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Courts, Juvenile (7)

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 1169 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to third-party custodians of children

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SB 1216 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

Credit and Bankruptcy (2)

SB 879 - Burlison - Establishes disclosure procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure

SB 1091 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives

Crimes and Punishment (95)

SB 640 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to rights of sexual assault survivors

SB 664 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for parole

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 687 - Williams - Authorizes expungement of certain offenses

SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care

SB 699 - Moon - Establishes the "Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act"

SB 714 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 731 - Schupp - Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 751 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to location restrictions for certain offenders

SB 752 - Burlison - Modifies and removes provisions relating to concealed firearms

SB 753 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 765 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to offenses against police dogs

SB 766 - Luetkemeyer - Changes the period of detention on arrest without a warrant to 48 hours

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 787 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to minimum prison terms

SB 788 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to vandalism of certain property designated by a county commission

SB 793 - Washington - Creates provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses

SB 795 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement officer use of force

SB 799 - Hegeman - Modifies the offense of escaping from custody

SB 804 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public transit systems

SB 825 - White - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 831 - Brown - Creates and modifies provisions relating to tampering with teller machines

SB 837 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the statute of limitations for certain sexual offenses

SB 838 - May - Modifies provisions relating to terms of imprisonment

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 851 - Beck - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 856 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the expungement of records

SB 878 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of tampering with electronic monitoring equipment

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

SB 894 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 895 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating the offenses of unlawful transfer of weapons and the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

SB 919 - Burlison - Creates the offense of mail theft

SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites

SB 936 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 937 - White - Modifies provisions relating to change of venue for felonies and misdemeanors

SB 955 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the powers of arrest

SB 980 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of animal abuse

SB 995 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 1016 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons

SB 1019 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the reimbursement to counties for change of venue costs

SB 1025 - Bernskoetter - Modifies and creates provisions relating to offenses involving fleeing from arrest

SB 1027 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to searches and seizures

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1039 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the office of the public defender

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1083 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the attorney general

SB 1087 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to certificates of moral character for persons convicted of certain offenses

SB 1090 - White - Modifies provisions relating to community service requirements for DWI offenders

SB 1093 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the release of a person from prison

SB 1094 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1105 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

SB 1127 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence

SB 1131 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to arrests by private persons

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1134 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to self-defense

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SB 1204 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regarding the offense of sexual exploitation by a clergyperson

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

SB 1224 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of providing obscene material to a student

SB 1229 - Brown - Provides that a person may use deadly force against a person unlawfully entering private property

SB 1230 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to expungement of criminal records

SB 1234 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SB 1240 - Brattin - Establishes the Organized Retail Crime Task Force

HB 1462 - Schnelting - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

HB 1472 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of money laundering

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1589 - Fitzwater - Adds that a person who has been found guilty of possession of child pornography shall not be within 500 feet of certain locations

HB 1637 - Schwadron - Modifies provisions relating to crime prevention

HB 1699 - Roberts - Modifies and establishes provisions relating to domestic violence

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

HB 1705 - Roberts - Establishes procedures for a violent offender registry, which will include any person on probation or parole for first or second degree murder

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

HB 2127 - Francis - Modifies and establishes offenses involving teller machines

HB 2160 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to a sexual offender's duty to report

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2307 - Coleman - Assesses an additional five thousand dollar fine for human trafficking offenses and establishes the "Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Fund"

HB 2439 - Hovis - Modifies provisions relating to peace officers

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

HJR 114 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to penalties and fines from human trafficking offenses

Criminal Procedure (32)

SB 631 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations

SB 640 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to rights of sexual assault survivors

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 722 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 793 - Washington - Creates provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses

SB 795 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement officer use of force

SB 825 - White - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 837 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the statute of limitations for certain sexual offenses

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 856 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the expungement of records

SB 1019 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the reimbursement to counties for change of venue costs

SB 1027 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to searches and seizures

SB 1093 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the release of a person from prison

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1105 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SB 1127 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence

SB 1131 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to arrests by private persons

SB 1198 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly

SB 1201 - Rizzo - Creates provisions relating to postconviction relief

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SB 1234 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SJR 44 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers

HB 1589 - Fitzwater - Adds that a person who has been found guilty of possession of child pornography shall not be within 500 feet of certain locations

HB 1637 - Schwadron - Modifies provisions relating to crime prevention

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2127 - Francis - Modifies and establishes offenses involving teller machines

HB 2160 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions relating to a sexual offender's duty to report

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Dairies and Dairy Products (1)

HB 1977 - Kelley - Permits the sale of raw milk or cream in certain circumstances

Dentists (9)

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 993 - Eslinger - Authorizes the Missouri Dental Board to approve pilot projects to extend care to under-served populations

SB 1024 - Gannon - Modifies the definition of "health carrier" to include prepaid dental plans for purposes of practitioner credentialing

SB 1097 - Burlison - Provides that dentists may enter into medical retainer agreements

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 1180 - Hough - Adds prepaid dental plans to a statute regarding the assignment of insurance benefits

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Disabilities (14)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1179 - Hough - Extends the Missouri Rx Plan to August 28, 2029

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1192 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance

HB 1564 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to blind pensions

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

Domestic Relations (12)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 722 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 839 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements

SB 857 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

SB 1117 - Moon - Establishes procedures for entering into and dissolving covenant marriages

SB 1169 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to third-party custodians of children

SB 1176 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

HB 1699 - Roberts - Modifies and establishes provisions relating to domestic violence

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

HB 2163 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher

Drugs and Controlled Substances (16)

SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care

SB 769 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions establishing pilot recovery high schools for students in recovery from substance use disorder or substance dependency

SB 774 - Thompson Rehder - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

SB 856 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the expungement of records

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 939 - White - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for medical marijuana facilities

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 985 - Thompson Rehder - Limits claims brought by political subdivisions against certain entities who are parties to a statewide opioid settlement agreement

SB 1032 - Hegeman - Modifies the Opioid Addiction Treatment and Recovery Fund

SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SR 705 - Williams - Designates August 31, 2022, as International Overdose Awareness Day

HB 1667 - Christofanelli - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

Drunk Driving/Boating (2)

SB 1090 - White - Modifies provisions relating to community service requirements for DWI offenders

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

Easements and Conveyances (9)

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 1043 - Gannon - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to convey certain state property located in Iron County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 1111 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Kirksville

SB 1112 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Pike County

HB 1597 - Busick - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Economic Development (17)

SB 672 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 675 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 905 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 1068 - Hoskins - Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1072 - Eslinger - Modifies the Missouri one start program

SB 1074 - Hegeman - Prohibits political subdivisions from using federal funds for the construction of retail broadband internet infrastructure in certain circumstances

SB 1080 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities

SB 1091 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1141 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the new business facilities tax credit

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SCR 33 - Bean - Designates Campbell, Missouri, as the Peach Capital of Missouri

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2587 - Riley - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

Economic Development, Department of (21)

SB 672 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 674 - Hough - Creates a grant program for employers to enhance cybersecurity

SB 675 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 760 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to grants to employers to encourage employees to obtain upskill credentials

SB 772 - May - Establishes the Community Investment Corporation Development Act

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 905 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 990 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions relating to pole replacements for certain broadband facilities

SB 1013 - Roberts - Modifies the Show-Me Heroes Program to provide for grants for veteran apprenticeship training programs

SB 1017 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the renaming and reorganization of certain state agencies

SB 1066 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Economic Development

SB 1068 - Hoskins - Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act

SB 1072 - Eslinger - Modifies the Missouri one start program

SB 1091 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2587 - Riley - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2638 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to broadband services

HB 3007 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations

Education, Elementary and Secondary (108)

SB 638 - Onder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 645 - Koenig - Modifies and creates provisions regarding the use of certain training, instructional, and curricular materials in public schools and charter schools

SB 646 - Koenig - Establishes the "School Freedom Act" relating to COVID-19 policies in schools

SB 647 - Koenig - Establishes a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students

SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program

SB 650 - Eigel - Modifies provisions related to charter schools

SB 653 - Rizzo - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights"

SB 657 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions related to school boards

SB 659 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions related to computer science courses offered in elementary and secondary schools

SB 660 - Arthur - Establishes the Show Me Success Diploma Program, the Competency-Based Education Grant Program, the Competency-Based Education Task Force, and a competency-based credit system for high school students

SB 661 - Arthur - Allows students to attend multiple public summer school programs non-concurrently

SB 662 - Arthur - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 676 - Brown - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 684 - May - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament

SB 691 - Thompson Rehder - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on certain adults seeking enrollment in courses taught at public schools

SB 692 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies minimum hourly attendance and make-up day requirements for half-day educational programs

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 694 - Brattin - Creates provisions related to public school curriculum and instruction

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 703 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 734 - Hoskins - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 740 - Eigel - Modifies and creates provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 747 - Arthur - Modifies requirements related to school accountability measures in elementary and secondary education institutions

SB 768 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions regarding accountability requirements for public schools and establishes the School Accountability Board

SB 769 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions establishing pilot recovery high schools for students in recovery from substance use disorder or substance dependency

SB 771 - May - Modifies the definition of weighted average daily attendance used to calculate state aid for school districts

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 776 - Brattin - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2022"

SB 781 - Moon - Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middle school, high schools, and colleges

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 800 - Hegeman - Extends the expiration date on the early learning quality assurance report program

SB 806 - Hoskins - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

SB 810 - Koenig - Establishes "The Parents' Bill of Rights for Student Well-Being" and modifies other provisions of elementary and secondary education

SB 816 - Arthur - Modifies the calculation of average daily attendance for early childhood education programs

SB 818 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the Gasconade R-II school district, which crosses county boundaries, to use the county that yields the highest dollar value modifier under the school foundation formula

SB 835 - O'Laughlin - Provides that no public school shall be a member of a statewide activities association if such association prohibits a home school student from participating in any event or activity offered by a public school in the school district in which the student resides

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 846 - Eslinger - Repeals the expiration date on the early learning quality assurance report program

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 869 - Koenig - Modifies the calculation of the amount a school district with one or more pupils attending a charter school shall pay to the charter school

SB 874 - Arthur - Allows school districts to remove certain property from tax increment financing districts

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 949 - Mosley - Requires boards of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts

SB 950 - Mosley - Requires certain topics in Native American and African American history to be included in the seventh through twelfth grade history curriculum in public schools

SB 951 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to special administrative boards

SB 955 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the powers of arrest

SB 957 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in education

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 983 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to Holocaust education

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 988 - Cierpiot - Requires unspent school district bond proceeds to be transferred to the district's debt service fund

SB 992 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to attorney's fees for certain civil actions brought against political subdivisions

SB 994 - Washington - Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination based on hairstyles

SB 1009 - O'Laughlin - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 1010 - O'Laughlin - Allows the enrollment of nonresident students in public school districts

SB 1034 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to bonded indebtedness of school districts

SB 1050 - Brattin - Requires video cameras on certain elementary and secondary school buses

SB 1051 - Brattin - Enacts provisions relating earned school credit in out-of-classroom learning experiences

SB 1052 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to adult high schools

SB 1055 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to dual credit and dual enrollment courses

SB 1057 - May - This act establishes a mental health awareness training requirement for high school pupils in public schools and charter schools

SB 1075 - Schupp - Creates a grant program to provide funding to schools to mitigate lead in drinking water

SB 1082 - Rowden - Establishes the Charter Public School Commission Revolving Fund

SB 1098 - Burlison - Authorizes school districts to have differentiated teacher pay schedules

SB 1113 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to driver's education and training

SB 1118 - May - Requires every public school and charter school to provide period products free of charge to students

SB 1140 - Schupp - Modifies provisions regarding the compulsory attendance age for school from seven to five

SB 1142 - Hough - Requires certain public schools, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to post suicide prevention phone and text numbers on student identification cards

SB 1160 - Eslinger - Establishes the "Imagination Library of Missouri Program"

SB 1161 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to savings accounts for education expenses

SB 1170 - Schupp - Provides for school contracted agents trained by a nurse to administer an epinephrine auto syringe

SB 1175 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a patriotic and civics training program for teachers

SB 1184 - Thompson Rehder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 1189 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions regarding the educational funding for children in state custody

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1206 - Onder - Modifies provisions related to school operations

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1210 - May - Provides for school contracted agents trained by a nurse to administer an epinephrine auto syringe

SB 1225 - Brattin - Creates the "Sunlight in Learning Act"

SCR 27 - May - Recognizes a need for mental health awareness training for high school pupils in public schools and charter schools

HB 1481 - Dinkins - Modifies provisions related to school protection officers

HB 1489 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 1552 - Richey - Modifies provisions related to alternative education programs

HB 1683 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to advanced placement examinations

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1743 - Dogan - Establishes the "Missouri CROWN Act" relating to discriminatory practices in educational institutions regarding protective hairstyles

HB 1750 - Basye - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 1814 - Pollitt - Modifies provisions relating to admission of nonresident pupils

HB 1856 - Baker - Establishes the "Extended Learning Opportunities Act"

HB 1858 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to transparency in public education

HB 2000 - Schwadron - Creates provisions relating to Holocaust education

HB 2136 - Kelley - Modifies provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2152 - Henderson - Creates provisions relating to school innovation waivers

HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2304 - Lewis - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2325 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to professional development

HB 2365 - Shields - Modifies the Early Learning Quality Assurance Report Program

HB 2366 - Shields - Modifies provisions related to gifted children

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2493 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to public school finances

HJR 114 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to penalties and fines from human trafficking offenses

Education, Higher (23)

SB 659 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions related to computer science courses offered in elementary and secondary schools

SB 672 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 718 - Washington - Designates the third week of September as "Historically Black College and University Week" in Missouri and modifies provisions regarding higher education

SB 770 - May - Modifies provisions regarding employment information provided to graduates of institutions of higher education

SB 781 - Moon - Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middle school, high schools, and colleges

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 892 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 957 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in education

SB 979 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to animal research at colleges and universities

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1077 - Eslinger - Establishes provisions related to a performance funding formula for university and two-year college systems

SB 1080 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1136 - Roberts - Authorizes a tax credits for employers providing educational assistance to employees

SB 1142 - Hough - Requires certain public schools, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to post suicide prevention phone and text numbers on student identification cards

HB 1683 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to advanced placement examinations

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1724 - Hudson - Adds provisions relating to student associations at public institutions of higher learning

HB 2136 - Kelley - Modifies provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention

HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2325 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to professional development

Elderly (10)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1045 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1179 - Hough - Extends the Missouri Rx Plan to August 28, 2029

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1192 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

Elections (38)

SB 633 - Hegeman - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 654 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 668 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 670 - White - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 679 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 695 - Brattin - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 696 - Gannon - Modifies absentee voting process

SB 730 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to absentee voting

SB 738 - Eigel - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 749 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the candidate filing deadline for the 2022 August primary election

SB 780 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to voter identification

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 812 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 858 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 861 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 862 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to initiative and referendum petitions

SB 875 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to absentee voting

SB 887 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 891 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to the recall of local officials

SB 900 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to rejected absentee ballots

SB 901 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to county commission district political party committees

SB 907 - Koenig - Modifies provisions governing primary elections

SB 949 - Mosley - Requires boards of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts

SB 976 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to ambulance districts

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 1049 - Brattin - Modifies process for municipal elections

SB 1065 - Hoskins - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 1194 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SJR 31 - Onder - Modifies the initiative petition process

SJR 37 - Crawford - Modifies the voter approval threshold for initiative petitions

SJR 51 - Cierpiot - Modifies procedures relating to initiative petitions

HB 1859 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to ballots

HB 1878 - Simmons - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HJR 91 - Eggleston - Modifies the initiative petition process

HJR 94 - Simmons - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to voter registration

HJR 131 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of (78)

SB 638 - Onder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 645 - Koenig - Modifies and creates provisions regarding the use of certain training, instructional, and curricular materials in public schools and charter schools

SB 647 - Koenig - Establishes a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students

SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program

SB 650 - Eigel - Modifies provisions related to charter schools

SB 653 - Rizzo - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights"

SB 657 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions related to school boards

SB 659 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions related to computer science courses offered in elementary and secondary schools

SB 660 - Arthur - Establishes the Show Me Success Diploma Program, the Competency-Based Education Grant Program, the Competency-Based Education Task Force, and a competency-based credit system for high school students

SB 661 - Arthur - Allows students to attend multiple public summer school programs non-concurrently

SB 662 - Arthur - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 676 - Brown - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 683 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to child care

SB 684 - May - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament

SB 691 - Thompson Rehder - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on certain adults seeking enrollment in courses taught at public schools

SB 692 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies minimum hourly attendance and make-up day requirements for half-day educational programs

SB 694 - Brattin - Creates provisions related to public school curriculum and instruction

SB 703 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education

SB 718 - Washington - Designates the third week of September as "Historically Black College and University Week" in Missouri and modifies provisions regarding higher education

SB 734 - Hoskins - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 740 - Eigel - Modifies and creates provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 747 - Arthur - Modifies requirements related to school accountability measures in elementary and secondary education institutions

SB 768 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions regarding accountability requirements for public schools and establishes the School Accountability Board

SB 769 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions establishing pilot recovery high schools for students in recovery from substance use disorder or substance dependency

SB 771 - May - Modifies the definition of weighted average daily attendance used to calculate state aid for school districts

SB 781 - Moon - Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middle school, high schools, and colleges

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 800 - Hegeman - Extends the expiration date on the early learning quality assurance report program

SB 806 - Hoskins - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

SB 810 - Koenig - Establishes "The Parents' Bill of Rights for Student Well-Being" and modifies other provisions of elementary and secondary education

SB 816 - Arthur - Modifies the calculation of average daily attendance for early childhood education programs

SB 818 - Bernskoetter - Authorizes the Gasconade R-II school district, which crosses county boundaries, to use the county that yields the highest dollar value modifier under the school foundation formula

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 826 - Hough - Modifies age range of children in license-exempt neighborhood youth development programs

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 846 - Eslinger - Repeals the expiration date on the early learning quality assurance report program

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 869 - Koenig - Modifies the calculation of the amount a school district with one or more pupils attending a charter school shall pay to the charter school

SB 916 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to exempt child care facilities

SB 950 - Mosley - Requires certain topics in Native American and African American history to be included in the seventh through twelfth grade history curriculum in public schools

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SB 982 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

SB 983 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to Holocaust education

SB 1009 - O'Laughlin - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 1010 - O'Laughlin - Allows the enrollment of nonresident students in public school districts

SB 1050 - Brattin - Requires video cameras on certain elementary and secondary school buses

SB 1052 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to adult high schools

SB 1076 - Arthur - Modifies provisions regarding literacy and reading instruction

SB 1082 - Rowden - Establishes the Charter Public School Commission Revolving Fund

SB 1107 - Bean - Modifies provisions regarding teacher career plans

SB 1140 - Schupp - Modifies provisions regarding the compulsory attendance age for school from seven to five

SB 1160 - Eslinger - Establishes the "Imagination Library of Missouri Program"

SB 1161 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to savings accounts for education expenses

SB 1175 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a patriotic and civics training program for teachers

SB 1184 - Thompson Rehder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 1189 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions regarding the educational funding for children in state custody

SB 1206 - Onder - Modifies provisions related to school operations

SB 1221 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

SB 1225 - Brattin - Creates the "Sunlight in Learning Act"

HB 1552 - Richey - Modifies provisions related to alternative education programs

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1743 - Dogan - Establishes the "Missouri CROWN Act" relating to discriminatory practices in educational institutions regarding protective hairstyles

HB 1750 - Basye - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 1814 - Pollitt - Modifies provisions relating to admission of nonresident pupils

HB 1856 - Baker - Establishes the "Extended Learning Opportunities Act"

HB 1858 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to transparency in public education

HB 2000 - Schwadron - Creates provisions relating to Holocaust education

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2152 - Henderson - Creates provisions relating to school innovation waivers

HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2304 - Lewis - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2325 - Patterson - Modifies provisions relating to professional development

HB 2365 - Shields - Modifies the Early Learning Quality Assurance Report Program

HB 2366 - Shields - Modifies provisions related to gifted children

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2493 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to public school finances

HB 3002 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Emblems (1)

SCR 33 - Bean - Designates Campbell, Missouri, as the Peach Capital of Missouri

Emergencies (19)

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 844 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to emergency powers in disasters

SB 946 - White - Creates the minutemen of the state

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1059 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1143 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

HB 1704 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of making a false report

HB 2193 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment rights of members of Missouri Task Force One who are called to active duty

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

HB 2381 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

Eminent Domain and Condemnation (5)

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 848 - Bean - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

SB 1018 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to condemnation proceedings

SB 1211 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

HB 2005 - Haffner - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

Employees - Employers (40)

SB 636 - Onder - Creates new provisions prohibiting employers from imposing vaccination mandates

SB 651 - Eigel - Creates new provisions prohibiting vaccination mandates imposed by employers

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 706 - Bean - Creates new provisions relating to labor organizations

SB 711 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity

SB 728 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the authorization of the deduction of moneys from the paychecks of public employees for the benefit of public labor organizations

SB 729 - Schupp - Creates new provisions of law relating to paid leave from employment

SB 760 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to grants to employers to encourage employees to obtain upskill credentials

SB 789 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing covenants not to compete

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 809 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of employment

SB 833 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to covenants involving business entities

SB 852 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing employer hiring practices as it relates to inquiries of salary history of employees and prospective employees

SB 853 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing compensation owed to employees upon the end of an employment relationship

SB 863 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to worker classification

SB 880 - Burlison - Creates new provisions relating to labor organizations

SB 893 - Beck - Increases the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026

SB 904 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to professional employer organizations

SB 934 - Arthur - Prohibits employers or prospective employers from inquiring into an employee or prospective employee's salary history

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 970 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to qualifications for fire protection employees

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1013 - Roberts - Modifies the Show-Me Heroes Program to provide for grants for veteran apprenticeship training programs

SB 1064 - Cierpiot - Creates new unlawful employment practices

SB 1087 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to certificates of moral character for persons convicted of certain offenses

SB 1125 - Arthur - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

SB 1134 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to self-defense

SB 1137 - Roberts - Establishes provisions relating to inquiries of wage ranges

SB 1213 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

HB 1656 - Hicks - Modifies provisions relating to certain public employees

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1692 - Boggs - Creates the Required Immunization Liability Act

HB 1732 - O'Donnell - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2193 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment rights of members of Missouri Task Force One who are called to active duty

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

Employment Security (9)

SB 665 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based upon the Missouri average unemployment rate

SB 709 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 777 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of unemployment benefits

SB 808 - Koenig - Creates new provisions relating to employment security

SB 863 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to worker classification

SB 876 - Bernskoetter - Creates new provisions requiring employers to make an automation adjustment payments

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

Energy (16)

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 763 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 824 - White - Creates a community solar pilot program

SB 881 - Burlison - Authorizes a sales tax exemption for the purchase of certain solar energy systems

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 969 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

SB 1003 - Bernskoetter - Creates provisions relating to incumbent electric transmission owners

SB 1014 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of solar energy property

SB 1073 - Burlison - Creates provisions relating to the electric grid

SB 1177 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for electrical corporations

SR 626 - Schatz - Urges the President to take measures and support policies that ensure long-term American energy leadership, security, and progress

HB 1684 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

HB 1734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Entertainment, Sports and Amusements (6)

SB 652 - Rizzo - Provides a sales tax exemption for the sale of 2026 FIFA World Cup tickets to matches held in Jackson County

SB 733 - Hoskins - Establishes the "Entertainment Industry Jobs Act"

SB 961 - Beck - Establishes tax credits for the production of certain entertainment

SR 702 - Rowden - Recognizes Gary Pinkel on his achievements in college football

HB 2502 - Houx - Authorizes sports wagering

HB 2607 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to excursion gambling boat facilities

Environmental Protection (17)

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 750 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to anhydrous ammonia

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 785 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to limitations on certain commercial motor vehicles

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 910 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to processed recycled asphalt shingles

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1069 - Hoskins - Creates provisions relating to the use of refrigerants

SB 1115 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management to include advanced recycling facilities

SB 1164 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

SB 1183 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2485 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

HB 2600 - Railsback - Modifies the provisions relating to natural resources.

Estates, Wills and Trusts (5)

SB 748 - Arthur - Establishes procedures for filing grievances against a guardian or conservator

SB 886 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to trusts

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

SB 1088 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to salaries of public administrators

HB 2143 - Kalberloh - Modifies provisions relating to cemetery trust funds

Ethics (1)

SB 926 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to ethics

Evidence (5)

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 975 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the admissibility of evidence of collateral source payments in civil cases

SB 1005 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Excavation (1)

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

Family Law (11)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 712 - Razer - Modifies provisions related to the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 839 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to child custody arrangements

SB 857 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1117 - Moon - Establishes procedures for entering into and dissolving covenant marriages

SB 1169 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to third-party custodians of children

SB 1176 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1216 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

Federal - State Relations (25)

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 840 - Brattin - Authorizes the General Assembly and the Attorney General to review and prohibit implementation of certain federal actions in this state

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 932 - Eigel - Creates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Fund

SB 956 - Moon - Prohibits the enforcement of any federal regulation by a state department or agency until the enforcement is approved by the General Assembly

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1040 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution

SB 1101 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services

SCR 21 - White - Calls for an Article V convention of states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to authorize the several states to repeal certain federal actions

SCR 23 - Moon - Affirms the sovereignty of the people of the state of Missouri in areas protected by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and creates the Joint Committee on the Review of Federal Overreach

SCR 25 - Burlison - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress

SCR 26 - May - Urges the U.S. Congress to enact the proposed Economic Democracy Act as a national just free market policy

SCR 28 - White - Urges the President of the United States to designate a state funeral for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient

SCR 30 - Hoskins - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress

SCR 32 - Eigel - Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

SCR 34 - White - Urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service

SCR 36 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Missouri USA Semiquincentennial Commission

SR 563 - Razer - Urges the negotiation and ratification of a comprehensive trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom

SR 593 - Wieland - Condemns the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia

SR 594 - Bernskoetter - Supports the freedom of the people of Ukraine

SR 626 - Schatz - Urges the President to take measures and support policies that ensure long-term American energy leadership, security, and progress

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

Fees (12)

SB 877 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the secretary of state

SB 918 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

SB 952 - White - Modifies provisions relating to manufactured housing

SB 1030 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to the soybean producers assessment

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1122 - White - Modifies the expiration dates for provisions relating to court automation

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1183 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

SB 1209 - May - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the maintenance of a law library

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 2387 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to the soybean producers assessment

Fire Protection (4)

SB 858 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts

SB 966 - Hough - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax

SB 970 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to qualifications for fire protection employees

HB 2193 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment rights of members of Missouri Task Force One who are called to active duty

Firearms (20)

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 731 - Schupp - Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer

SB 752 - Burlison - Modifies and removes provisions relating to concealed firearms

SB 804 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public transit systems

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 884 - White - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

SB 894 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 895 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating the offenses of unlawful transfer of weapons and the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 936 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 946 - White - Creates the minutemen of the state

SB 1016 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1048 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to contracts between public entities and companies who discriminate against firearms manufacturers

SB 1102 - Brattin - Exempts sales of firearms and ammunition from state and local sales taxes

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1229 - Brown - Provides that a person may use deadly force against a person unlawfully entering private property

HB 1462 - Schnelting - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

HB 1696 - Reedy - Modifies provisions relating to the illegal discharge of firearms

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Fishing and Hunting (3)

SB 1035 - Moon - Creates provisions relating to hunting permits

SB 1223 - Brattin - Allows certain veterans to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge for life

SJR 32 - Hoskins - Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish

Food (9)

SB 774 - Thompson Rehder - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

SB 798 - Mosley - Establishes a "Restaurant Meals Program" as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 1100 - Burlison - Repeals statutes relating to certain duties of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1157 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to speciality agricultural crops

SCR 22 - Beck - Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling

HB 1667 - Christofanelli - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

HB 1697 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to cottage food sales through the Internet

HB 1977 - Kelley - Permits the sale of raw milk or cream in certain circumstances

Funerals and Funeral Directors (4)

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

SCR 28 - White - Urges the President of the United States to designate a state funeral for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient

HB 2163 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher

Gambling (13)

SB 632 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling

SB 642 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act

SB 643 - Hoskins - Authorizes sports wagering

SB 686 - May - Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act

SB 764 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to gaming

SB 819 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to certain employees regulating gaming

SB 906 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to gaming

SB 987 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to excursion gambling boat facilities

SB 1046 - Hegeman - Authorizes sports wagering

SB 1061 - Luetkemeyer - Authorizes sports wagering

SB 1237 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to illegal gambling

HB 2502 - Houx - Authorizes sports wagering

HB 2607 - Rone - Modifies provisions relating to excursion gambling boat facilities

General Assembly (53)

SB 812 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 840 - Brattin - Authorizes the General Assembly and the Attorney General to review and prohibit implementation of certain federal actions in this state

SB 844 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to emergency powers in disasters

SB 930 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Sunshine Law

SB 951 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to special administrative boards

SB 956 - Moon - Prohibits the enforcement of any federal regulation by a state department or agency until the enforcement is approved by the General Assembly

SB 1040 - Burlison - Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution

SB 1047 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases

SB 1198 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1238 - Schatz - Requires annual presentation of a State of the State of Transportation to a joint session of the General Assembly by the Director of the Department of Transportation

SCR 24 - Roberts - Designates every November 7th as Victims of Communism Memorial Day

SCR 25 - Burlison - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress

SCR 30 - Hoskins - Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress

SCR 31 - Bean - Approves the Missouri Water Resources Plan and its implementation

SCR 37 - Brown - Provides notice to the Revisor of Statutes of United States Supreme Court's overruling of Roe v. Wade

SJR 36 - Rizzo - Modifies legislative term limits

SJR 45 - Mosley - Modifies various provisions relating to the General Assembly

SJR 49 - Mosley - Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SR 435 - Schatz - Modifies Senate rules 70 and 88

SR 436 - Rizzo - Modifies Senate Rule 84

SR 448 - Eigel - Amends Senate Rule 50

SR 453 - Eigel - Amends Senate Rule 50

SR 466 - Eigel - Amends Senate Rule 10

SR 467 - Eigel - Amends Senate Rule 28

SR 468 - Hoskins - Amends Senate Rule 50

SR 469 - Hoskins - Amends Senate Rule 50

SR 472 - White - Amends Senate Rule 96

SR 496 - Hoskins - Adds a new Senate Rule relating to certain Senate employees

SR 566 - Rowden - Establishes rates of pay for Senate employees

SR 626 - Schatz - Urges the President to take measures and support policies that ensure long-term American energy leadership, security, and progress

SR 702 - Rowden - Recognizes Gary Pinkel on his achievements in college football

SR 706 - Onder - Designates the week of May 1, 2022, as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SR 761 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes April 11th as Missouri lineworker appreciation day in Missouri

SR 762 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes October 24, 2022, as World Polio day in Missouri

SR 781 - Rowden - Authorizes Missouri Girls State to use the Senate Chamber for a mock session

SR 782 - Rowden - Authorizes the 2022 Missouri Youth Leadership forum to use the Senate chamber on July 14, 2022

SR 783 - Hough - Modifies the Senate Rules

HB 1600 - Chipman - Modifies requirements for retaining legislative employees when the General Assembly is not in session

HB 1757 - Railsback - Creates the State Building Usage Task Force

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2372 - Chipman - Modifies use of the capitol complex parking

HB 3012 - Smith - Appropriates funds for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, Public Defender and the General Assembly

HCR 51 - Plocher - Convenes a joint session for the "State of the State Address"

HCR 52 - Plocher - Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

HCR 74 - Plocher - Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court

HJR 91 - Eggleston - Modifies the initiative petition process

Governor and Lt. Governor (13)

SB 844 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to emergency powers in disasters

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 1023 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states

SB 1078 - Razer - Prohibits the use of the honorific "his or her excellency" when referring to the Governor of Missouri

SB 1111 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Kirksville

SB 1112 - O'Laughlin - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Pike County

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

SJR 30 - Hegeman - Provides for gubernatorial appointment of members of the nonpartisan judicial commissions

HB 1597 - Busick - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 3012 - Smith - Appropriates funds for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, Public Defender and the General Assembly

Guardians (4)

SB 748 - Arthur - Establishes procedures for filing grievances against a guardian or conservator

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 857 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to child custody

SB 1088 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to salaries of public administrators

Health and Senior Services, Department of (48)

SB 646 - Koenig - Establishes the "School Freedom Act" relating to COVID-19 policies in schools

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 683 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to child care

SB 687 - Williams - Authorizes expungement of certain offenses

SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 727 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 774 - Thompson Rehder - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 826 - Hough - Modifies age range of children in license-exempt neighborhood youth development programs

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 890 - Moon - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 916 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to exempt child care facilities

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 939 - White - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for medical marijuana facilities

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 982 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

SB 991 - Hough - Creates provisions relating to the certification of certain x-ray technicians

SB 993 - Eslinger - Authorizes the Missouri Dental Board to approve pilot projects to extend care to under-served populations

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1029 - White - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility inspections and other oversight by the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride

SB 1045 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1059 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

SB 1100 - Burlison - Repeals statutes relating to certain duties of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1119 - Washington - Establishes standards for demographic data collection by certain entities

SB 1126 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of medications by pharmacists

SB 1146 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to organ donation

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1214 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the rulemaking authority of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1221 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to child care facilities

HB 1667 - Christofanelli - Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"

HB 1697 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to cottage food sales through the Internet

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

HB 2331 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2623 - Veit - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain individuals

HB 3010 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Health and Senior Services

Health Care (73)

SB 637 - Onder - Excludes from eligible MO HealthNet providers any abortion providers and affiliates

SB 639 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 646 - Koenig - Establishes the "School Freedom Act" relating to COVID-19 policies in schools

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 698 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 723 - Hegeman - Establishes the "Medicaid Stabilization Fund"

SB 725 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services

SB 726 - Onder - Establishes "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Awareness Day" in Missouri

SB 727 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SB 746 - Arthur - Prohibits the performance of certain patient examinations upon anaesthetized or unconscious patients

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 779 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 794 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 829 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine services

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 842 - Moon - Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program

SB 890 - Moon - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 899 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to the "Office of State Ombudsman for Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Corrections"

SB 903 - Onder - Designates the first full week of May each year as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 909 - Koenig - Creates provisions regarding the use of online platforms by health care contractors

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 922 - White - Regulates the sale of dietary supplements in Missouri

SB 933 - Eigel - Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents

SB 935 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility

SB 947 - White - Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

SB 959 - Beck - Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 991 - Hough - Creates provisions relating to the certification of certain x-ray technicians

SB 993 - Eslinger - Authorizes the Missouri Dental Board to approve pilot projects to extend care to under-served populations

SB 1000 - Gannon - Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1021 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care reimbursement

SB 1029 - White - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility inspections and other oversight by the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride

SB 1059 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1100 - Burlison - Repeals statutes relating to certain duties of the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1119 - Washington - Establishes standards for demographic data collection by certain entities

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1126 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of medications by pharmacists

SB 1133 - White - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacist dispensation of certain medications

SB 1143 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

SB 1145 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 1147 - Washington - Requires the MO HealthNet Division to conduct an annual review of services available for enrollees with sickle cell disease

SB 1150 - Rowden - Modifies provisions relating to certain experimental or investigational medical treatments

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1179 - Hough - Extends the Missouri Rx Plan to August 28, 2029

SB 1197 - Mosley - Creates a license for naturopathic medicine practitioners

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

SJR 47 - Moon - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

SJR 50 - Eigel - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

SR 706 - Onder - Designates the week of May 1, 2022, as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 1897 - DeGroot - Establishes the Correctional Center Nursery Program

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2331 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

HB 2462 - Burger - Designates several health-related awareness days, weeks and months

HB 2625 - Burger - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions to professional licensing

HJR 117 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services

Health Care Professionals (46)

SB 637 - Onder - Excludes from eligible MO HealthNet providers any abortion providers and affiliates

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 699 - Moon - Establishes the "Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act"

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 746 - Arthur - Prohibits the performance of certain patient examinations upon anaesthetized or unconscious patients

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 778 - Brattin - Prohibits abortions following the detection of a fetal heartbeat and adds a private cause of action

SB 779 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 802 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to physician maintenance of certification or licensure

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 829 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine services

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 842 - Moon - Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program

SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 941 - Mosley - Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes

SB 947 - White - Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 991 - Hough - Creates provisions relating to the certification of certain x-ray technicians

SB 1000 - Gannon - Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1024 - Gannon - Modifies the definition of "health carrier" to include prepaid dental plans for purposes of practitioner credentialing

SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride

SB 1059 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1143 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1197 - Mosley - Creates a license for naturopathic medicine practitioners

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

SCR 29 - Hegeman - Designates the last full week in every January as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week in Missouri

SJR 34 - Eigel - Prohibits expenditures of public funds to any person or facility, or affiliate of such, performing or inducing an abortion

HB 1555 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to physical therapists

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2331 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

HB 2625 - Burger - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions to professional licensing

Health, Public (26)

SB 641 - Schupp - Enacts provisions relating to continuous insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives

SB 646 - Koenig - Establishes the "School Freedom Act" relating to COVID-19 policies in schools

SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 726 - Onder - Establishes "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Awareness Day" in Missouri

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 903 - Onder - Designates the first full week of May each year as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1032 - Hegeman - Modifies the Opioid Addiction Treatment and Recovery Fund

SB 1047 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases

SB 1075 - Schupp - Creates a grant program to provide funding to schools to mitigate lead in drinking water

SB 1145 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 1166 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to coverage of diagnostic examinations for breast cancer under certain health benefit plans

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SCR 35 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week"

SR 705 - Williams - Designates August 31, 2022, as International Overdose Awareness Day

SR 706 - Onder - Designates the week of May 1, 2022, as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1692 - Boggs - Creates the Required Immunization Liability Act

HB 1709 - Buchheit-Courtway - Creates a new unlawful discriminatory practice under the Missouri Human Rights Act

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

HB 2331 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to health care

Higher Education and Workforce Development, Department of (14)

SB 659 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions related to computer science courses offered in elementary and secondary schools

SB 703 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education

SB 718 - Washington - Designates the third week of September as "Historically Black College and University Week" in Missouri and modifies provisions regarding higher education

SB 770 - May - Modifies provisions regarding employment information provided to graduates of institutions of higher education

SB 781 - Moon - Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middle school, high schools, and colleges

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 957 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in education

SB 1013 - Roberts - Modifies the Show-Me Heroes Program to provide for grants for veteran apprenticeship training programs

SB 1017 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the renaming and reorganization of certain state agencies

SB 1195 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

HB 1724 - Hudson - Adds provisions relating to student associations at public institutions of higher learning

HB 2202 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 3003 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

Highway Patrol (21)

SB 691 - Thompson Rehder - Requires school districts to conduct criminal background checks on certain adults seeking enrollment in courses taught at public schools

SB 761 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to access to public records

SB 819 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to certain employees regulating gaming

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 936 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 939 - White - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for medical marijuana facilities

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1053 - Bernskoetter - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1062 - Crawford - Allows terminated vested members of certain state retirement systems to elect a lump sum payment of retirement benefits

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1155 - Luetkemeyer - Allows 2011 Tier uniformed members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to be eligible for BackDROP

SB 1215 - Schupp - Creates provisions relating to a task force on cyber crimes

SB 1230 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to expungement of criminal records

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1637 - Schwadron - Modifies provisions relating to crime prevention

HB 1705 - Roberts - Establishes procedures for a violent offender registry, which will include any person on probation or parole for first or second degree murder

HB 1984 - Hovis - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2623 - Veit - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain individuals

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Historic Preservation (7)

SB 796 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles

SB 849 - Bean - Establishes the "Stars and Stripes Historic Region of Missouri"

SB 1165 - Roberts - Designates "Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon Memorial Bridge"

SB 1186 - Thompson Rehder - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Cape Girardeau County as "Rush Limbaugh Memorial Highway"

SCR 34 - White - Urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service

HB 1562 - Griffith - Establishes the "Stars and Stripes Historic Region of Missouri"

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

Holidays and Observances (21)

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 718 - Washington - Designates the third week of September as "Historically Black College and University Week" in Missouri and modifies provisions regarding higher education

SB 726 - Onder - Establishes "Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Awareness Day" in Missouri

SB 903 - Onder - Designates the first full week of May each year as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 927 - Mosley - Designates every December 3rd as "Betty L. Thompson Day" in Missouri

SB 1145 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 1185 - Thompson Rehder - Designates every January 12th as "Rush Limbaugh Day"

SB 1200 - Gannon - Designates the second full week of March every year as Pet Breeders Week in Missouri

SB 1208 - Moon - Designates every January 31st as Constitution Day in Missouri

SCR 29 - Hegeman - Designates the last full week in every January as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week in Missouri

SCR 35 - Washington - Establishes the third full week in September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Week"

SCR 36 - Bernskoetter - Creates the Missouri USA Semiquincentennial Commission

SR 705 - Williams - Designates August 31, 2022, as International Overdose Awareness Day

SR 706 - Onder - Designates the week of May 1, 2022, as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SR 762 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes October 24, 2022, as World Polio day in Missouri

HB 1629 - Morse - Enacts various state designations

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

HB 2310 - McDaniel - Creates various state designations

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2462 - Burger - Designates several health-related awareness days, weeks and months

HB 2627 - Sharp - Designates ten new awareness months

Hospitals (18)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 727 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to certificates of need

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 890 - Moon - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 933 - Eigel - Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 1000 - Gannon - Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1029 - White - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility inspections and other oversight by the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1119 - Washington - Establishes standards for demographic data collection by certain entities

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

Housing (6)

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 860 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the low-income housing tax credit

SB 864 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to membership on certain state administrative entities

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Identity Theft and Protection (1)

SB 919 - Burlison - Creates the offense of mail theft

Immigration (1)

SB 1227 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens

Insurance - Automobile (4)

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Insurance - General (12)

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 1042 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to electronic delivery of insurance documents or notices

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1097 - Burlison - Provides that dentists may enter into medical retainer agreements

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1180 - Hough - Adds prepaid dental plans to a statute regarding the assignment of insurance benefits

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Insurance - Health (23)

SB 641 - Schupp - Enacts provisions relating to continuous insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 802 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to physician maintenance of certification or licensure

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 829 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine services

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 947 - White - Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

SB 959 - Beck - Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug

SB 1021 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care reimbursement

SB 1024 - Gannon - Modifies the definition of "health carrier" to include prepaid dental plans for purposes of practitioner credentialing

SB 1031 - Beck - Enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing under health benefit plans

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1097 - Burlison - Provides that dentists may enter into medical retainer agreements

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services

SB 1166 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to coverage of diagnostic examinations for breast cancer under certain health benefit plans

SB 1180 - Hough - Adds prepaid dental plans to a statute regarding the assignment of insurance benefits

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Insurance - Life (1)

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

Internet and E-mail (14)

SB 848 - Bean - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

SB 872 - Eigel - Provides for the redaction of personal identifying information of minors and next friends from public court automation systems

SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites

SB 981 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to grants to expand broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas

SB 1074 - Hegeman - Prohibits political subdivisions from using federal funds for the construction of retail broadband internet infrastructure in certain circumstances

SB 1081 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to applicants for grants to expand broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1215 - Schupp - Creates provisions relating to a task force on cyber crimes

HB 1697 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to cottage food sales through the Internet

HB 1725 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2638 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to broadband services

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Interstate Cooperation (5)

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 1005 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act

SB 1079 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the valuation of certain insurance policies and contracts

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Jackson County (1)

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

Judges (21)

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 722 - Mosley - Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments

SB 793 - Washington - Creates provisions relating to expungement for certain marijuana offenses

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 888 - Brattin - Creates provisions relating to bail

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

SB 937 - White - Modifies provisions relating to change of venue for felonies and misdemeanors

SB 948 - White - Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1087 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to certificates of moral character for persons convicted of certain offenses

SB 1093 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the release of a person from prison

SB 1094 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1173 - Schupp - Increases the number of circuit judges in the 21st Judicial Circuit in St. Louis County

SB 1201 - Rizzo - Creates provisions relating to postconviction relief

SB 1205 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as an adult

SJR 44 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

HB 3012 - Smith - Appropriates funds for Elected Officials, the Judiciary, Public Defender and the General Assembly

Juries (4)

SB 825 - White - Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree

SB 1006 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the compensation of jurors for certain counties

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Kansas City (6)

SB 678 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department

SB 898 - Washington - Allows a museum property tax levy to be used for certain museums

SB 1041 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to earnings tax

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1172 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax revenues for certain transportation authorities

HB 1986 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department

Labor and Industrial Relations, Department of (12)

SB 665 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based upon the Missouri average unemployment rate

SB 673 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits

SB 709 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits

SB 729 - Schupp - Creates new provisions of law relating to paid leave from employment

SB 808 - Koenig - Creates new provisions relating to employment security

SB 876 - Bernskoetter - Creates new provisions requiring employers to make an automation adjustment payments

SB 893 - Beck - Increases the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026

SB 1077 - Eslinger - Establishes provisions related to a performance funding formula for university and two-year college systems

HB 1860 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to employment security

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

HB 3007 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Economic Development, the Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations

Labor and Management (2)

HB 2193 - Toalson Reisch - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment rights of members of Missouri Task Force One who are called to active duty

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

Lakes, Rivers and Waterways (7)

SB 828 - Hough - Repeals wharfage taxes on landings made at certain wharfs

SB 910 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to processed recycled asphalt shingles

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SCR 31 - Bean - Approves the Missouri Water Resources Plan and its implementation

HB 2485 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

Landlords and Tenants (3)

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies (36)

SB 678 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department

SB 689 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer standards

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 765 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to offenses against police dogs

SB 766 - Luetkemeyer - Changes the period of detention on arrest without a warrant to 48 hours

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 786 - Bean - Establishes a reimbursement program for peace officer training

SB 795 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement officer use of force

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 851 - Beck - Requires every individual who is 17 years or older and is arrested for a felony offense to provide a biological sample for DNA profiling

SB 854 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 955 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the powers of arrest

SB 1012 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of police departments

SB 1025 - Bernskoetter - Modifies and creates provisions relating to offenses involving fleeing from arrest

SB 1027 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to searches and seizures

SB 1036 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to the compensation of county officials

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1085 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to county coroners

SB 1105 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SB 1131 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to arrests by private persons

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1181 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax deduction for certain law enforcement officers

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

SB 1215 - Schupp - Creates provisions relating to a task force on cyber crimes

SB 1234 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

SB 1241 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer training requirements

SJR 38 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1462 - Schnelting - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

HB 1986 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the Kansas City Police Department

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2439 - Hovis - Modifies provisions relating to peace officers

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Liability (29)

SB 631 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations

SB 635 - Riddle - Provides that a person who is injured by a product has 15 years after the sale or lease of the product to bring a suit for damages

SB 669 - White - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions, including determinations of fault and immunity from products liability

SB 821 - Burlison - Provides that defendants in tort actions shall only be held severally liable, rather than jointly liable

SB 832 - Luetkemeyer - Provides sovereign immunity for private contractors acting within the scope of a government contract

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 879 - Burlison - Establishes disclosure procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 923 - Brattin - Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 975 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the admissibility of evidence of collateral source payments in civil cases

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1056 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1084 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse

SB 1132 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to wrongful convictions

SB 1148 - Roberts - Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution processes

SB 1174 - Eslinger - Provides for a statutory cause of action for public nuisances

SB 1188 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to employer liability

SB 1217 - Hegeman - Modifies procedure for appellate review of class action certification

SB 1218 - Hegeman - Modifies Supreme Court Rule 52.08 relating to class actions

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

SB 1243 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions

HB 1692 - Boggs - Creates the Required Immunization Liability Act

HB 1725 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 1977 - Kelley - Permits the sale of raw milk or cream in certain circumstances

HB 2660 - Veit - Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution processes

Libraries and Archives (3)

SB 1095 - Gannon - Creates provisions relating to the licensing of electronic literary products

SB 1160 - Eslinger - Establishes the "Imagination Library of Missouri Program"

SB 1209 - May - Allows the circuit court in St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses including the maintenance of a law library

Licenses - Driver's (4)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 1113 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to driver's education and training

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

Licenses - Miscellaneous (14)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 689 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer standards

SB 731 - Schupp - Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 884 - White - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Licenses - Motor Vehicle (6)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 1146 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to organ donation

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

Liens (2)

SB 885 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of property to satisfy liens on stored property

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

Lotteries (2)

SB 642 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act

SB 906 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to gaming

Manufactured Housing (1)

SB 952 - White - Modifies provisions relating to manufactured housing

Marital and Family Therapists (1)

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

Marriage and Divorce (2)

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

HB 2163 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher

Medicaid/MO Healthnet (19)

SB 637 - Onder - Excludes from eligible MO HealthNet providers any abortion providers and affiliates

SB 639 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 698 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 723 - Hegeman - Establishes the "Medicaid Stabilization Fund"

SB 725 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 779 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 933 - Eigel - Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents

SB 935 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility

SB 1021 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care reimbursement

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1147 - Washington - Requires the MO HealthNet Division to conduct an annual review of services available for enrollees with sickle cell disease

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 3014 - Smith - Appropriates supplemental state funding

HJR 117 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services

Medical Procedures and Personnel (17)

SB 737 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 746 - Arthur - Prohibits the performance of certain patient examinations upon anaesthetized or unconscious patients

SB 753 - Burlison - Establishes the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"

SB 829 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine services

SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 947 - White - Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 975 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to the admissibility of evidence of collateral source payments in civil cases

SB 1000 - Gannon - Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers

SB 1099 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services

SB 1166 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to coverage of diagnostic examinations for breast cancer under certain health benefit plans

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

SJR 34 - Eigel - Prohibits expenditures of public funds to any person or facility, or affiliate of such, performing or inducing an abortion

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2381 - Roden - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

Mental Health (14)

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 903 - Onder - Designates the first full week of May each year as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 1057 - May - This act establishes a mental health awareness training requirement for high school pupils in public schools and charter schools

SB 1109 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to civil detention

SB 1142 - Hough - Requires certain public schools, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to post suicide prevention phone and text numbers on student identification cards

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SCR 27 - May - Recognizes a need for mental health awareness training for high school pupils in public schools and charter schools

SR 706 - Onder - Designates the week of May 1, 2022, as "Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week" in Missouri

HB 2136 - Kelley - Modifies provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

Mental Health, Department of (7)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

HB 1637 - Schwadron - Modifies provisions relating to crime prevention

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 3010 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Health and Senior Services

Merchandising Practices (4)

SB 1086 - Cierpiot - Allows certain individuals and businesses to have access to information from manufacturers in order to repair certain products

SB 1095 - Gannon - Creates provisions relating to the licensing of electronic literary products

SB 1222 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies

HB 2574 - Mayhew - Modifies provisions relating to keeping records for the sale of certain materials

Merit System (1)

SB 996 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the administration of the State Personnel Law by eliminating the Personnel Advisory Board

Military Affairs (11)

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 946 - White - Creates the minutemen of the state

SB 1013 - Roberts - Modifies the Show-Me Heroes Program to provide for grants for veteran apprenticeship training programs

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

SCR 28 - White - Urges the President of the United States to designate a state funeral for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient

SCR 34 - White - Urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service

SJR 35 - Eigel - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2625 - Burger - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions to professional licensing

HJR 116 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

Mining and Oil and Gas Production (2)

SB 1004 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to mining

SR 626 - Schatz - Urges the President to take measures and support policies that ensure long-term American energy leadership, security, and progress

Minorities (1)

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

Mortgages and Deeds (5)

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 914 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri housing trust fund

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Motels and Hotels (2)

HB 1725 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

Motor Carriers (3)

SB 713 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 972 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 1038 - Brown - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

Motor Fuel (9)

SB 707 - Bean - Authorizes a tax credit for the sale of ethanol fuel

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 782 - Moon - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 805 - Hoskins - Authorizes tax credits for the production and sale of biodiesel fuel

SB 811 - Eigel - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 1149 - White - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

HB 1720 - Pollitt - Modifies several provisions relating to agricultural economic opportunities

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Motor Vehicles (25)

SB 713 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 720 - Mosley - Requires certain financing entities to remit motor vehicle sales tax on behalf of the purchaser

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 785 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to limitations on certain commercial motor vehicles

SB 796 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 967 - Hough - Requires motor vehicle dealers to collect and remit sales taxes on sales of motor vehicles

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 972 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1139 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of assessed values of motor vehicles

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

SB 1193 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2694 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property

Museums (1)

SB 898 - Washington - Allows a museum property tax levy to be used for certain museums

National Guard (4)

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SJR 35 - Eigel - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HJR 116 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

Natural Resources, Department of (14)

SB 750 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to anhydrous ammonia

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 910 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to processed recycled asphalt shingles

SB 918 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1004 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to mining

SB 1017 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the renaming and reorganization of certain state agencies

SB 1043 - Gannon - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to convey certain state property located in Iron County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission

SB 1183 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

SCR 31 - Bean - Approves the Missouri Water Resources Plan and its implementation

HB 1597 - Busick - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property

HB 2485 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

HB 2600 - Railsback - Modifies the provisions relating to natural resources.

HB 3006 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Conservation

Newspapers and Publications (4)

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 1191 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

HB 2289 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to requirements for public notices

Nurses (8)

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SCR 29 - Hegeman - Designates the last full week in every January as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week in Missouri

Nursing Homes and Long-term Care Facilities (12)

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 755 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons

SB 890 - Moon - Repeals the certificate of need law

SB 912 - Eigel - Caps rate increases for long-term care insurance policies at the lesser of the consumer price index or five percent, measured annually

SB 941 - Mosley - Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes

SB 1011 - O'Laughlin - Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies

SB 1029 - White - Modifies provisions relating to health care facility inspections and other oversight by the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1192 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2116 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to visitation right of patients

Parks and Recreation (3)

SB 822 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to highway signs

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SCR 34 - White - Urges the U.S. Congress to include the Newtonia Battlefields in the National Park Service

Pharmacy (19)

SB 641 - Schupp - Enacts provisions relating to continuous insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives

SB 682 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacists

SB 690 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions of law relating to health care

SB 814 - Arthur - Enacts provisions relating to prescription insulin drugs

SB 815 - Arthur - Sets a cap on health benefit plan enrollee cost-sharing for prescription insulin drugs

SB 842 - Moon - Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program

SB 921 - White - Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs

SB 959 - Beck - Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 1031 - Beck - Enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing under health benefit plans

SB 1037 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to naltrexone hydrochloride

SB 1126 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to the administration of medications by pharmacists

SB 1129 - White - Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services

SB 1133 - White - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacist dispensation of certain medications

SB 1178 - White - Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

HB 1677 - Wright - Enacts provisions relating to pharmacy benefits managers

HB 2136 - Kelley - Modifies provisions relating to suicide awareness and prevention

HB 2162 - Deaton - Modifies provisions relating to Opioid Addiction Treatment

Physical Therapists (3)

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 1555 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to physical therapists

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

Physicians (17)

SB 699 - Moon - Establishes the "Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act"

SB 746 - Arthur - Prohibits the performance of certain patient examinations upon anaesthetized or unconscious patients

SB 757 - White - Modifies provisions relating to medical student loan programs

SB 801 - Hegeman - Authorizes a tax credit for medical preceptorships

SB 802 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to physician maintenance of certification or licensure

SB 803 - Onder - Prohibits certain restrictive covenants between physicians and advanced practice registered nurses and nonprofit hospitals and health systems

SB 829 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine services

SB 830 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to home health licensing

SB 842 - Moon - Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program

SB 843 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment treatment for children

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 938 - White - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of assistant physicians

SB 1002 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing reciprocity for physicians

SB 1020 - Brown - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

HB 2331 - Baker - Modifies provisions relating to health care

HB 2355 - Andrews - Modifies provisions related to emergency health care services

Planning and Zoning (1)

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

Political Parties (1)

SB 901 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to county commission district political party committees

Political Subdivisions (67)

SB 636 - Onder - Creates new provisions prohibiting employers from imposing vaccination mandates

SB 651 - Eigel - Creates new provisions prohibiting vaccination mandates imposed by employers

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 697 - Gannon - Prohibits villages, towns, cities, and counties from regulating dogs in a breed-specific manner

SB 702 - Eslinger - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

SB 715 - Roberts - Authorizes a property tax credit for certain senior citizens

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 725 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services

SB 728 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the authorization of the deduction of moneys from the paychecks of public employees for the benefit of public labor organizations

SB 735 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to certain special taxing districts

SB 736 - Koenig - Authorizes a property tax credit as a result of certain restrictive orders

SB 741 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to the disclosure pf personal information to public agencies

SB 752 - Burlison - Modifies and removes provisions relating to concealed firearms

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 759 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 761 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to access to public records

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 809 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of employment

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 874 - Arthur - Allows school districts to remove certain property from tax increment financing districts

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 911 - Eigel - Requires political subdivisions to revise property tax levies as a result of receiving American Rescue Plan funds

SB 924 - Beck - Modifies provisions governing project labor agreements

SB 925 - Beck - Creates new provisions governing reciprocal resident bidding

SB 928 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to reapportionment within political subdivisions

SB 954 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to reapportionment and redistricting in certain political subdivisions

SB 966 - Hough - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 985 - Thompson Rehder - Limits claims brought by political subdivisions against certain entities who are parties to a statewide opioid settlement agreement

SB 992 - Beck - Creates provisions relating to attorney's fees for certain civil actions brought against political subdivisions

SB 997 - Bernskoetter - Modifies various provisions relating to public employees

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1044 - Koenig - Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings

SB 1047 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases

SB 1058 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1074 - Hegeman - Prohibits political subdivisions from using federal funds for the construction of retail broadband internet infrastructure in certain circumstances

SB 1103 - Brattin - Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates

SB 1106 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to funding for housing programs

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1174 - Eslinger - Provides for a statutory cause of action for public nuisances

SB 1188 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to employer liability

SB 1203 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1207 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public health, including public health orders and COVID-19 school policies

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1220 - Gannon - Creates new standards for certain public contracts

SB 1227 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens

SJR 33 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SJR 47 - Moon - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

SJR 50 - Eigel - Prohibits laws or public policies infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 1656 - Hicks - Modifies provisions relating to certain public employees

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1709 - Buchheit-Courtway - Creates a new unlawful discriminatory practice under the Missouri Human Rights Act

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2177 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

HB 2289 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to requirements for public notices

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

HB 2638 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to broadband services

Prisons and Jails (11)

SB 787 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to minimum prison terms

SB 834 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to Department of Corrections programs

SB 838 - May - Modifies provisions relating to terms of imprisonment

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 899 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to the "Office of State Ombudsman for Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Corrections"

SB 948 - White - Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation

SB 964 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to conditional release

SB 1023 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states

SB 1025 - Bernskoetter - Modifies and creates provisions relating to offenses involving fleeing from arrest

SB 1201 - Rizzo - Creates provisions relating to postconviction relief

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

Probation and Parole (17)

SB 664 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to eligibility for parole

SB 714 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 799 - Hegeman - Modifies the offense of escaping from custody

SB 838 - May - Modifies provisions relating to terms of imprisonment

SB 850 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

SB 878 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of tampering with electronic monitoring equipment

SB 896 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to probation and parole for certain offenders

SB 948 - White - Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation

SB 964 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to conditional release

SB 995 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility

SB 1023 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states

SB 1090 - White - Modifies provisions relating to community service requirements for DWI offenders

SB 1130 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to earned compliance credits for probation

HB 1637 - Schwadron - Modifies provisions relating to crime prevention

HB 1705 - Roberts - Establishes procedures for a violent offender registry, which will include any person on probation or parole for first or second degree murder

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Professional Registration and Licensing (27)

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 802 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to physician maintenance of certification or licensure

SB 867 - Koenig - Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractor Licensing Act

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 909 - Koenig - Creates provisions regarding the use of online platforms by health care contractors

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 917 - Burlison - Modifies the registration and licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 929 - Koenig - Requires licensing authorities to issue an exemption from continuing education requirements under certain circumstances

SB 938 - White - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of assistant physicians

SB 942 - Mosley - Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons

SB 965 - Roberts - Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines

SB 978 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to audiology and speech-language pathology

SB 991 - Hough - Creates provisions relating to the certification of certain x-ray technicians

SB 1001 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of land surveyors

SB 1002 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing reciprocity for physicians

SB 1008 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to preneed contracts

SB 1058 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine

SB 1087 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to certificates of moral character for persons convicted of certain offenses

SB 1133 - White - Modifies provisions relating to pharmacist dispensation of certain medications

SB 1153 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 1197 - Mosley - Creates a license for naturopathic medicine practitioners

SB 1242 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to certain COVID-19 medications

HB 1555 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to physical therapists

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 2149 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HB 2625 - Burger - Modifies provisions relating to exemptions to professional licensing

Property, Real and Personal (15)

SB 791 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the foreign ownership of agricultural land

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 831 - Brown - Creates and modifies provisions relating to tampering with teller machines

SB 885 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the sale of property to satisfy liens on stored property

SB 1018 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to condemnation proceedings

SB 1174 - Eslinger - Provides for a statutory cause of action for public nuisances

SB 1190 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the Municipal Land Reutilization Law

HB 1583 - Murphy - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 1682 - Brown - Enacts provisions relating to regulation of real property

HB 2177 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to land bank agencies

HB 2218 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to property regulations for certain cities and counties

HB 2372 - Chipman - Modifies use of the capitol complex parking

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Psychologists (1)

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

Public Assistance (14)

SB 639 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 698 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 723 - Hegeman - Establishes the "Medicaid Stabilization Fund"

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 798 - Mosley - Establishes a "Restaurant Meals Program" as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SB 933 - Eigel - Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents

SB 935 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 1147 - Washington - Requires the MO HealthNet Division to conduct an annual review of services available for enrollees with sickle cell disease

SB 1179 - Hough - Extends the Missouri Rx Plan to August 28, 2029

SB 1192 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance

HB 1564 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to blind pensions

HJR 117 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services

Public Buildings (1)

HB 1757 - Railsback - Creates the State Building Usage Task Force

Public Officers (8)

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 926 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to ethics

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 1709 - Buchheit-Courtway - Creates a new unlawful discriminatory practice under the Missouri Human Rights Act

HB 1713 - Riley - Establishes the Missouri Religious Freedom Protection Act, which prohibits public officials from issuing orders limiting religious services or meetings

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

Public Records, Public Meetings (8)

SB 827 - Hough - States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law

SB 872 - Eigel - Provides for the redaction of personal identifying information of minors and next friends from public court automation systems

SB 930 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Sunshine Law

SB 1135 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Sunshine Law

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1230 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to expungement of criminal records

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

Public Safety, Department of (11)

SB 689 - Williams - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer standards

SB 786 - Bean - Establishes a reimbursement program for peace officer training

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 946 - White - Creates the minutemen of the state

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 1143 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers

SB 1151 - Roberts - Creates provisions relating to grants to not-for-profit organizations for physical security measures

SB 1241 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to peace officer training requirements

HB 2502 - Houx - Authorizes sports wagering

HB 3008 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Public Safety

Public Service Commission (20)

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 763 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 824 - White - Creates a community solar pilot program

SB 848 - Bean - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

SB 952 - White - Modifies provisions relating to manufactured housing

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 969 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

SB 989 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to assessments against public utilities

SB 1003 - Bernskoetter - Creates provisions relating to incumbent electric transmission owners

SB 1017 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the renaming and reorganization of certain state agencies

SB 1073 - Burlison - Creates provisions relating to the electric grid

SB 1080 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities

SB 1177 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for electrical corporations

SB 1232 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to video service providers

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

HB 1684 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

HB 1734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

Railroads (1)

SB 804 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public transit systems

Redistricting (9)

SB 663 - Bernskoetter - Establishes new congressional districts

SB 928 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to reapportionment within political subdivisions

SB 949 - Mosley - Requires boards of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts

SB 954 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to reapportionment and redistricting in certain political subdivisions

SB 977 - Eslinger - Creates provisions allowing the division of seven-director school districts and urban school districts into subdistricts

SJR 45 - Mosley - Modifies various provisions relating to the General Assembly

SR 783 - Hough - Modifies the Senate Rules

HB 2117 - Shaul - Modifies the composition of the congressional districts

HB 2909 - Shaul - Establishes new congressional districts beginning with the election to the 118th Congress

Religion (5)

SB 684 - May - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament

SB 1204 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regarding the offense of sexual exploitation by a clergyperson

HB 1489 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor

HB 1713 - Riley - Establishes the Missouri Religious Freedom Protection Act, which prohibits public officials from issuing orders limiting religious services or meetings

HB 1724 - Hudson - Adds provisions relating to student associations at public institutions of higher learning

Retirement - Local Government (4)

SB 634 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 836 - O'Laughlin - Modifies eligibility of retirement benefits resulting from membership in multiple defined benefit plans established by a state or local retirement system

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

Retirement - Schools (4)

SB 712 - Razer - Modifies provisions related to the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System

SB 767 - O'Laughlin - Modifies a provision of law relating to survivor benefits under the Public School Retirement System of Missouri

SB 836 - O'Laughlin - Modifies eligibility of retirement benefits resulting from membership in multiple defined benefit plans established by a state or local retirement system

SB 999 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding employment of retired education personnel by school districts

Retirement - State (3)

SB 836 - O'Laughlin - Modifies eligibility of retirement benefits resulting from membership in multiple defined benefit plans established by a state or local retirement system

SB 1062 - Crawford - Allows terminated vested members of certain state retirement systems to elect a lump sum payment of retirement benefits

SB 1155 - Luetkemeyer - Allows 2011 Tier uniformed members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to be eligible for BackDROP

Retirement Systems and Benefits - General (12)

SB 634 - Riddle - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 655 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

SB 712 - Razer - Modifies provisions related to the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System

SB 836 - O'Laughlin - Modifies eligibility of retirement benefits resulting from membership in multiple defined benefit plans established by a state or local retirement system

SB 1053 - Bernskoetter - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1062 - Crawford - Allows terminated vested members of certain state retirement systems to elect a lump sum payment of retirement benefits

SB 1155 - Luetkemeyer - Allows 2011 Tier uniformed members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to be eligible for BackDROP

SB 1239 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to investment policies of public entities

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1473 - Pike - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System in order to provide for coverage of certain employee classes

HB 1984 - Hovis - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

Revenue, Department of (27)

SB 700 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes

SB 724 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to county financial statements

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 782 - Moon - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 796 - Mosley - Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles

SB 811 - Eigel - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1113 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to driver's education and training

SB 1146 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to organ donation

SB 1149 - White - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

HB 1541 - McGirl - Modifies provisions relating to finances of political subdivisions

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 2090 - Griffith - Modifies various provisions relating to the payment of funds from the state treasury

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2502 - Houx - Authorizes sports wagering

HB 3004 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation

HB 3021 - Smith - Appropriates funds for a one-time income tax credit

Roads and Highways (16)

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 822 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to highway signs

SB 962 - Luetkemeyer - Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bids for a contract on the work first closes

SB 1038 - Brown - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 1101 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1162 - Rowden - Designates the new Interstate 70 Missouri River Bridge in Boone County and Cooper County slated for completion in 2024 as the "Senator Roy D. Blunt Bridge"

SB 1163 - Hegeman - Creates the "Transportation Accountability Fund"

SB 1165 - Roberts - Designates "Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon Memorial Bridge"

SB 1186 - Thompson Rehder - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Cape Girardeau County as "Rush Limbaugh Memorial Highway"

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

HB 1629 - Morse - Enacts various state designations

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

HB 1973 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to school activities

HB 2310 - McDaniel - Creates various state designations

Saint Louis City (6)

SB 1012 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of police departments

SB 1016 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons

SB 1041 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to earnings tax

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1165 - Roberts - Designates "Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon Memorial Bridge"

HB 2218 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to property regulations for certain cities and counties

Saint Louis County (4)

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 858 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to fire protection districts

SB 949 - Mosley - Requires boards of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts

SB 1173 - Schupp - Increases the number of circuit judges in the 21st Judicial Circuit in St. Louis County

Salaries (3)

SB 941 - Mosley - Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes

SB 1088 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to salaries of public administrators

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

Search and Seizure (4)

SB 955 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to the powers of arrest

SB 1027 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to searches and seizures

SB 1131 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to arrests by private persons

SB 1234 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers

Secretary of State (21)

SB 633 - Hegeman - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 654 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 668 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 670 - White - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 679 - Luetkemeyer - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 695 - Brattin - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 730 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to absentee voting

SB 738 - Eigel - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 780 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to voter identification

SB 812 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 861 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to elections

SB 862 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to initiative and referendum petitions

SB 877 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the secretary of state

SB 887 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

SB 907 - Koenig - Modifies provisions governing primary elections

SB 1008 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to preneed contracts

SB 1065 - Hoskins - Modifies various provisions relating to elections

SB 1194 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to voter registration

HB 1859 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to ballots

HB 1878 - Simmons - Modifies provisions relating to elections

HB 2140 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to elections

Sewers and Sewer Districts (1)

SB 1007 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to reorganized common sewer districts

Sexual Offenses (12)

SB 631 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations

SB 640 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to rights of sexual assault survivors

SB 751 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to location restrictions for certain offenders

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 837 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the statute of limitations for certain sexual offenses

SB 899 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to the "Office of State Ombudsman for Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Corrections"

SB 1083 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the attorney general

SB 1084 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse

SB 1204 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regarding the offense of sexual exploitation by a clergyperson

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Social Services, Department of (30)

SB 639 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 671 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons

SB 683 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to child care

SB 685 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the suspension of licenses for failure to comply with a child support order

SB 698 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women

SB 723 - Hegeman - Establishes the "Medicaid Stabilization Fund"

SB 725 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to ground ambulance services

SB 773 - Williams - Modifies the Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program

SB 798 - Mosley - Establishes a "Restaurant Meals Program" as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 933 - Eigel - Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents

SB 935 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility

SB 1021 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet managed care reimbursement

SB 1045 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 1147 - Washington - Requires the MO HealthNet Division to conduct an annual review of services available for enrollees with sickle cell disease

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

SB 1179 - Hough - Extends the Missouri Rx Plan to August 28, 2029

SB 1192 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance

SB 1216 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 1559 - Davidson - Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children

HB 1564 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to blind pensions

HB 1861 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to the rights of patients, including the "No Patient Left Alone Act" and organ donations

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2032 - Lewis - Establishes and modifies provisions relating to child trafficking

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

HB 2376 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to youth services

HB 2623 - Veit - Modifies provisions relating to background checks for certain individuals

HB 3011 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Social Services

HJR 117 - Smith - Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services

Social Workers (6)

SB 667 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers

SB 823 - White - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

SB 915 - Arthur - Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors

SB 1168 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to the State Mental Health Commission

HB 2012 - Kelly - Modifies provisions relating to health care, including MO HealthNet, prison nurseries, and abortion

HB 2151 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child protection

Sovereign or Official Immunity (1)

SB 832 - Luetkemeyer - Provides sovereign immunity for private contractors acting within the scope of a government contract

State Departments (21)

SB 636 - Onder - Creates new provisions prohibiting employers from imposing vaccination mandates

SB 651 - Eigel - Creates new provisions prohibiting vaccination mandates imposed by employers

SB 728 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to the authorization of the deduction of moneys from the paychecks of public employees for the benefit of public labor organizations

SB 741 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to the disclosure pf personal information to public agencies

SB 758 - Hough - Modifies various provisions relating to bidding procedures for certain public projects for facilities

SB 832 - Luetkemeyer - Provides sovereign immunity for private contractors acting within the scope of a government contract

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 997 - Bernskoetter - Modifies various provisions relating to public employees

SB 1028 - Moon - Provides a cause of action against a public body that causes economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law

SB 1188 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to employer liability

SB 1219 - Gannon - Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression

SB 1220 - Gannon - Creates new standards for certain public contracts

SB 1226 - Brattin - Requires state departments to submit a budget analysis to the House Budget and Senate Appropriations committees

SB 1227 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens

SJR 35 - Eigel - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 1709 - Buchheit-Courtway - Creates a new unlawful discriminatory practice under the Missouri Human Rights Act

HB 2120 - Taylor - Modifies various provisions relating to disclosure of information

HB 2289 - Andrews - Modifies provisions relating to requirements for public notices

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

HJR 116 - Schnelting - Creates the Missouri Department of the National Guard

State Employees (16)

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 836 - O'Laughlin - Modifies eligibility of retirement benefits resulting from membership in multiple defined benefit plans established by a state or local retirement system

SB 883 - White - Modifies provisions relating to the procurement of bonds or insurance policies from State Legal Expense Fund

SB 926 - Mosley - Creates new provisions relating to ethics

SB 941 - Mosley - Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes

SB 996 - Bernskoetter - Modifies the administration of the State Personnel Law by eliminating the Personnel Advisory Board

SB 1062 - Crawford - Allows terminated vested members of certain state retirement systems to elect a lump sum payment of retirement benefits

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 1709 - Buchheit-Courtway - Creates a new unlawful discriminatory practice under the Missouri Human Rights Act

HB 1713 - Riley - Establishes the Missouri Religious Freedom Protection Act, which prohibits public officials from issuing orders limiting religious services or meetings

HB 2090 - Griffith - Modifies various provisions relating to the payment of funds from the state treasury

HB 3005 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Office of Administration and other departments

HB 3014 - Smith - Appropriates supplemental state funding

Suicide (2)

SB 1142 - Hough - Requires certain public schools, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to post suicide prevention phone and text numbers on student identification cards

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

Sunshine Law (6)

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 761 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to access to public records

SB 827 - Hough - States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law

SB 930 - Koenig - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Sunshine Law

SB 1135 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Sunshine Law

Surveyors (3)

SB 1001 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions regarding licensing of land surveyors

SB 1026 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri state plane coordinate system

HB 1720 - Pollitt - Modifies several provisions relating to agricultural economic opportunities

Tax Credits (39)

SB 644 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural tax credits

SB 656 - Crawford - Establishes the "Missouri Rural Credit Opportunity Act"

SB 658 - Cierpiot - Prohibits tax credits for the construction or rehabilitation of residences located in certain distressed areas after August 28, 2022

SB 675 - Brown - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 677 - Brown - Extends the sunset date of certain tax credits

SB 688 - Williams - Reauthorizes a tax credit for certain research expenses

SB 707 - Bean - Authorizes a tax credit for the sale of ethanol fuel

SB 717 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for urban farms

SB 719 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of certain homes

SB 721 - Mosley - Establishes the Show Missouri Film and Digital Media Act

SB 732 - Hoskins - Establishes the Show MO Act

SB 733 - Hoskins - Establishes the "Entertainment Industry Jobs Act"

SB 790 - Beck - Establishes a tax credit for grocery stores in a food desert

SB 801 - Hegeman - Authorizes a tax credit for medical preceptorships

SB 805 - Hoskins - Authorizes tax credits for the production and sale of biodiesel fuel

SB 807 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 860 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to the low-income housing tax credit

SB 866 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset of tax credits for agricultural production

SB 868 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits

SB 897 - Washington - Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products

SB 905 - Hoskins - Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 960 - Beck - Establishes the Show MO Act

SB 961 - Beck - Establishes tax credits for the production of certain entertainment

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 986 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits

SB 1063 - Crawford - Extends the sunset on the rolling stock tax credit

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1123 - Arthur - Authorizes a tax credit for a stillborn child

SB 1136 - Roberts - Authorizes a tax credits for employers providing educational assistance to employees

SB 1141 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the new business facilities tax credit

SB 1157 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to speciality agricultural crops

SB 1193 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles

SB 1196 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for providing services to homeless persons

SB 1233 - Roberts - Authorizes a tax credit for contributions made to refugee resource centers

HB 1720 - Pollitt - Modifies several provisions relating to agricultural economic opportunities

HB 2090 - Griffith - Modifies various provisions relating to the payment of funds from the state treasury

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

Tax Incentives (3)

SB 874 - Arthur - Allows school districts to remove certain property from tax increment financing districts

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 1103 - Brattin - Prohibits public financial benefits to abortion facilities and their affiliates or associates

Taxation and Revenue - General (13)

SB 782 - Moon - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 811 - Eigel - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 828 - Hough - Repeals wharfage taxes on landings made at certain wharfs

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 859 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to police protection districts

SB 973 - Schupp - Establishes the "Truth in Medicine Act"

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1149 - White - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

HB 1583 - Murphy - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Taxation and Revenue - Income (35)

SB 644 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to agricultural tax credits

SB 701 - Moon - Eliminates the corporate income tax

SB 707 - Bean - Authorizes a tax credit for the sale of ethanol fuel

SB 717 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for urban farms

SB 719 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of certain homes

SB 739 - Eigel - Reduces the top rate of income tax

SB 790 - Beck - Establishes a tax credit for grocery stores in a food desert

SB 801 - Hegeman - Authorizes a tax credit for medical preceptorships

SB 807 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 866 - Hoskins - Extends the sunset of tax credits for agricultural production

SB 868 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits

SB 870 - Eigel - Eliminates the bottom two income tax brackets

SB 871 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to income tax exemptions for certain retirement benefits

SB 873 - Arthur - Allows for an income tax deduction for educator expenses

SB 892 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 897 - Washington - Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products

SB 902 - Onder - Increases the amount of the personal income tax cut and the business income deduction in current law

SB 931 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to corporations

SB 986 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to tax credits

SB 1041 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to earnings tax

SB 1063 - Crawford - Extends the sunset on the rolling stock tax credit

SB 1067 - Hoskins - Reduces the net general revenue collection threshold for income tax rate reductions

SB 1091 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives

SB 1092 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies

SB 1123 - Arthur - Authorizes a tax credit for a stillborn child

SB 1138 - Hough - Authorizes a tax credit for all taxpayers

SB 1154 - Koenig - Establishes the SALT Parity Act

SB 1181 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax deduction for certain law enforcement officers

SB 1193 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles

SB 1196 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for providing services to homeless persons

SB 1212 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the apportionment of income for financial institutions

SB 1233 - Roberts - Authorizes a tax credit for contributions made to refugee resource centers

SJR 33 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

HB 1590 - Fitzwater - Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses

HB 2400 - Houx - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

Taxation and Revenue - Inheritance (1)

HB 1583 - Murphy - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

Taxation and Revenue - Property (23)

SB 649 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 680 - Luetkemeyer - Places a limit on the growth in assessments of residential real property

SB 715 - Roberts - Authorizes a property tax credit for certain senior citizens

SB 736 - Koenig - Authorizes a property tax credit as a result of certain restrictive orders

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 898 - Washington - Allows a museum property tax levy to be used for certain museums

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 911 - Eigel - Requires political subdivisions to revise property tax levies as a result of receiving American Rescue Plan funds

SB 944 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to the classification of certain property

SB 1014 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of solar energy property

SB 1108 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes

SB 1139 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the determination of assessed values of motor vehicles

SB 1144 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to the auction of lands with delinquent property taxes

SJR 39 - Luetkemeyer - Allows the growth in assessed values to be limited by law

SJR 40 - Luetkemeyer - Exempts certain disabled veterans from property taxes

SJR 41 - Roberts - Authorizes counties to freeze the real property assessed values of certain senior citizens

SJR 42 - Washington - Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties

SJR 43 - Washington - Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties

SJR 59 - Brattin - Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax

HB 1606 - McGaugh - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

HB 2694 - Hudson - Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property

Taxation and Revenue - Sales and Use (27)

SB 652 - Rizzo - Provides a sales tax exemption for the sale of 2026 FIFA World Cup tickets to matches held in Jackson County

SB 700 - Moon - Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes

SB 720 - Mosley - Requires certain financing entities to remit motor vehicle sales tax on behalf of the purchaser

SB 735 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to certain special taxing districts

SB 743 - Crawford - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 759 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 881 - Burlison - Authorizes a sales tax exemption for the purchase of certain solar energy systems

SB 884 - White - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

SB 908 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SB 943 - Koenig - Provides a sales tax exemption for the sale of certain medical devices

SB 945 - Koenig - Modifies the definition of "sale at retail" for the purposes of sales taxes on certain purchases of utilities

SB 966 - Hough - Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax

SB 967 - Hough - Requires motor vehicle dealers to collect and remit sales taxes on sales of motor vehicles

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1060 - Brown - Authorizes the city of Rolla to propose a sales tax for public safety

SB 1102 - Brattin - Exempts sales of firearms and ammunition from state and local sales taxes

SB 1124 - Arthur - Authorizes a sales tax exemption for the purchase of diapers

SB 1152 - Eslinger - Modifies a sales tax exemption for certain farm machinery and equipment

SB 1172 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax revenues for certain transportation authorities

SJR 33 - Koenig - Modifies provisions relating to taxation

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 59 - Brattin - Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax

HB 1462 - Schnelting - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

HB 2090 - Griffith - Modifies various provisions relating to the payment of funds from the state treasury

HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

Teachers (38)

SB 638 - Onder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 645 - Koenig - Modifies and creates provisions regarding the use of certain training, instructional, and curricular materials in public schools and charter schools

SB 647 - Koenig - Establishes a grievance process for parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students

SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program

SB 653 - Rizzo - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights"

SB 660 - Arthur - Establishes the Show Me Success Diploma Program, the Competency-Based Education Grant Program, the Competency-Based Education Task Force, and a competency-based credit system for high school students

SB 661 - Arthur - Allows students to attend multiple public summer school programs non-concurrently

SB 662 - Arthur - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 676 - Brown - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 684 - May - Allows school districts to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament

SB 694 - Brattin - Creates provisions related to public school curriculum and instruction

SB 710 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to health care

SB 712 - Razer - Modifies provisions related to the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System

SB 734 - Hoskins - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 740 - Eigel - Modifies and creates provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 747 - Arthur - Modifies requirements related to school accountability measures in elementary and secondary education institutions

SB 768 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions regarding accountability requirements for public schools and establishes the School Accountability Board

SB 769 - O'Laughlin - Creates provisions establishing pilot recovery high schools for students in recovery from substance use disorder or substance dependency

SB 776 - Brattin - Enacts the "Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2022"

SB 806 - Hoskins - Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students

SB 810 - Koenig - Establishes "The Parents' Bill of Rights for Student Well-Being" and modifies other provisions of elementary and secondary education

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 855 - Washington - Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media

SB 869 - Koenig - Modifies the calculation of the amount a school district with one or more pupils attending a charter school shall pay to the charter school

SB 873 - Arthur - Allows for an income tax deduction for educator expenses

SB 950 - Mosley - Requires certain topics in Native American and African American history to be included in the seventh through twelfth grade history curriculum in public schools

SB 999 - Gannon - Modifies provisions regarding employment of retired education personnel by school districts

SB 1009 - O'Laughlin - Provides for school innovation waivers to exempt schools from specific requirements imposed by statute or regulation

SB 1098 - Burlison - Authorizes school districts to have differentiated teacher pay schedules

SB 1107 - Bean - Modifies provisions regarding teacher career plans

SB 1175 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a patriotic and civics training program for teachers

SB 1184 - Thompson Rehder - Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools

SB 1206 - Onder - Modifies provisions related to school operations

SB 1224 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of providing obscene material to a student

HB 1750 - Basye - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

HB 2152 - Henderson - Creates provisions relating to school innovation waivers

HB 2493 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to public school finances

Telecommunications (13)

SB 648 - Rowden - Modifies provisions related to the virtual school program

SB 713 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 972 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 981 - Hoskins - Modifies provisions relating to grants to expand broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas

SB 990 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions relating to pole replacements for certain broadband facilities

SB 1042 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to electronic delivery of insurance documents or notices

SB 1081 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to applicants for grants to expand broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

Terrorism (1)

SB 895 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating the offenses of unlawful transfer of weapons and the unlawful possession of firearms

Tobacco Products (1)

SB 1158 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to tobacco products

Tourism (5)

SB 721 - Mosley - Establishes the Show Missouri Film and Digital Media Act

SB 732 - Hoskins - Establishes the Show MO Act

SB 960 - Beck - Establishes the Show MO Act

HB 1629 - Morse - Enacts various state designations

HB 2462 - Burger - Designates several health-related awareness days, weeks and months

Transportation (53)

SB 681 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education

SB 713 - Razer - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 742 - Crawford - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

SB 744 - Cierpiot - Prohibits the amendment or reduction of violations resulting in license points to violations resulting in fewer or no points for drivers with intermediate driver's licenses or temporary instruction permits

SB 762 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle registration

SB 782 - Moon - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 783 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to insurance

SB 785 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to limitations on certain commercial motor vehicles

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 797 - Mosley - Modifies provisions relating to streetlight maintenance districts

SB 804 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to public transit systems

SB 811 - Eigel - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 813 - Eigel - Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission

SB 822 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to highway signs

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

SB 932 - Eigel - Creates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Fund

SB 958 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to transportation of school children

SB 962 - Luetkemeyer - Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bids for a contract on the work first closes

SB 971 - Brown - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Commission, and transfers to it responsibility for licensing and regulating vehicle dealers

SB 972 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices

SB 1015 - Hough - Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax

SB 1022 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

SB 1038 - Brown - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 1050 - Brattin - Requires video cameras on certain elementary and secondary school buses

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1101 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

SB 1113 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to driver's education and training

SB 1116 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

SB 1120 - Gannon - Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services

SB 1121 - Gannon - Repeals a restriction on how funds are used by certain special road districts

SB 1149 - White - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1162 - Rowden - Designates the new Interstate 70 Missouri River Bridge in Boone County and Cooper County slated for completion in 2024 as the "Senator Roy D. Blunt Bridge"

SB 1163 - Hegeman - Creates the "Transportation Accountability Fund"

SB 1165 - Roberts - Designates "Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon Memorial Bridge"

SB 1167 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to licenses issued by the Department of Revenue

SB 1172 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to sales tax revenues for certain transportation authorities

SB 1186 - Thompson Rehder - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Cape Girardeau County as "Rush Limbaugh Memorial Highway"

SB 1187 - Thompson Rehder - Enacts provisions authorizing the use of a remote system for the performance of transportation functions by the Department of Revenue

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

SB 1238 - Schatz - Requires annual presentation of a State of the State of Transportation to a joint session of the General Assembly by the Director of the Department of Transportation

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks

HB 1973 - Gregory - Modifies provisions relating to school activities

HB 2168 - Porter - Enacts provisions relating to insurance

HB 2416 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to off-premise sales by motor vehicle dealers

HB 2566 - Porter - Modifies provisions relating to travel insurance

Transportation, Department of (32)

SB 782 - Moon - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 785 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to limitations on certain commercial motor vehicles

SB 792 - Razer - Establishes the Joint Task Force on School Bus Safety

SB 811 - Eigel - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 822 - Burlison - Enacts provisions relating to highway signs

SB 849 - Bean - Establishes the "Stars and Stripes Historic Region of Missouri"

SB 932 - Eigel - Creates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Fund

SB 962 - Luetkemeyer - Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bids for a contract on the work first closes

SB 1038 - Brown - Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads

SB 1053 - Bernskoetter - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 1062 - Crawford - Allows terminated vested members of certain state retirement systems to elect a lump sum payment of retirement benefits

SB 1071 - Razer - Authorizes and directs the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to transfer land to political subdivisions under certain circumstances

SB 1101 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising

SB 1149 - White - Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion

SB 1155 - Luetkemeyer - Allows 2011 Tier uniformed members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to be eligible for BackDROP

SB 1156 - Brown - Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"

SB 1162 - Rowden - Designates the new Interstate 70 Missouri River Bridge in Boone County and Cooper County slated for completion in 2024 as the "Senator Roy D. Blunt Bridge"

SB 1163 - Hegeman - Creates the "Transportation Accountability Fund"

SB 1165 - Roberts - Designates "Police Officer Tamarris Bohannon Memorial Bridge"

SB 1186 - Thompson Rehder - Designates a portion of Interstate 55 in Cape Girardeau County as "Rush Limbaugh Memorial Highway"

SB 1199 - Mosley - Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transporation's fiber network

SB 1231 - O'Laughlin - Enacts provisions relating to subcontracts for work on the highways of this state

SB 1238 - Schatz - Requires annual presentation of a State of the State of Transportation to a joint session of the General Assembly by the Director of the Department of Transportation

SJR 55 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to expenses of the Department of Transportation

SJR 56 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 57 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

SJR 58 - Schatz - Modifies provisions relating to the employment of personnel for state highway system purposes

HB 1562 - Griffith - Establishes the "Stars and Stripes Historic Region of Missouri"

HB 1738 - Dogan - Modifies provisions relating to state designations

HB 1962 - Copeland - Modifies provisions relating to local log trucks

HB 1984 - Hovis - Modifies terms of active employee members of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

HB 3004 - Smith - Appropriates funds for the Department of Revenue and the Department of Transportation

Treasurer, State (13)

SB 786 - Bean - Establishes a reimbursement program for peace officer training

SB 841 - Brattin - Establishes the Education Savings Account Program

SB 932 - Eigel - Creates the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Fund

SB 1039 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the office of the public defender

SB 1054 - Bernskoetter - Modifies provisions relating to the funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

SB 1125 - Arthur - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

SB 1161 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to savings accounts for education expenses

SB 1163 - Hegeman - Creates the "Transportation Accountability Fund"

SB 1213 - Crawford - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

SB 1239 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to investment policies of public entities

SJR 54 - Bernskoetter - Establishes a court fee of three dollars for funding of the Sheriffs' Retirement System

HB 1732 - O'Donnell - Creates new provisions relating to retirement savings plans for private-sector employees

HB 2571 - Owen - Modifies provisions relating to the Division of Finance

Trees and Other Plants (4)

SB 1157 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to speciality agricultural crops

SB 1159 - Eslinger - Requires the Department of Agriculture to promote Missouri hardwood forest products

SB 1228 - Bernskoetter - Modifies a provision of the Uniform Commercial Code relating to secured transactions

SB 1235 - May - Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp

Unemployment Compensation (5)

SB 673 - Hough - Creates new provisions relating to the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits

SB 693 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccines

SB 1114 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to unemployment compensation

HB 1860 - Eggleston - Modifies provisions relating to employment security

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements

Uniform Laws (2)

SB 1005 - Bernskoetter - Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act

SB 1228 - Bernskoetter - Modifies a provision of the Uniform Commercial Code relating to secured transactions

Urban Redevelopment (2)

SB 717 - Washington - Authorizes a tax credit for urban farms

HB 1662 - Fishel - Enacts provisions relating to restrictions on real property

Utilities (27)

SB 745 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 756 - White - Modifies provisions relating to public utilities

SB 761 - Brown - Creates provisions relating to access to public records

SB 763 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to net metering

SB 820 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

SB 824 - White - Creates a community solar pilot program

SB 848 - Bean - Allows electrical corporations to operate and use broadband infrastructure

SB 945 - Koenig - Modifies the definition of "sale at retail" for the purposes of sales taxes on certain purchases of utilities

SB 953 - White - Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards

SB 968 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to business entities

SB 969 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

SB 989 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to assessments against public utilities

SB 990 - Cierpiot - Creates provisions relating to pole replacements for certain broadband facilities

SB 1003 - Bernskoetter - Creates provisions relating to incumbent electric transmission owners

SB 1073 - Burlison - Creates provisions relating to the electric grid

SB 1080 - Bean - Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities

SB 1177 - Cierpiot - Modifies provisions relating to ratemaking for electrical corporations

SB 1211 - Bean - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

SB 1236 - Schatz - Creates the Underground Damage Prevention Review Board

SR 761 - Bernskoetter - Recognizes April 11th as Missouri lineworker appreciation day in Missouri

HB 1584 - Murphy - Enacts provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations

HB 1684 - Black - Modifies provisions relating to construction costs for certain new electric generation facilities

HB 1734 - O'Donnell - Modifies provisions relating to utilities

HB 2005 - Haffner - Modifies provisions relating to eminent domain for electrical corporations

HB 2382 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to lodging establishments

HB 2593 - Lovasco - Modifies provisions relating to the use of private property

HB 2638 - Riggs - Modifies provisions relating to broadband services

Veterans (7)

SB 882 - White - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

SB 941 - Mosley - Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes

SB 1013 - Roberts - Modifies the Show-Me Heroes Program to provide for grants for veteran apprenticeship training programs

SB 1223 - Brattin - Allows certain veterans to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge for life

SCR 28 - White - Urges the President of the United States to designate a state funeral for the last surviving World War II Medal of Honor recipient

SJR 40 - Luetkemeyer - Exempts certain disabled veterans from property taxes

HB 2455 - Griffith - Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

Veterinarians (2)

SB 1058 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine

SB 1182 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse

Victims of Crime (19)

SB 640 - Schupp - Modifies provisions relating to rights of sexual assault survivors

SB 666 - Burlison - Modifies provisions on self-defense

SB 775 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings

SB 795 - Washington - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement officer use of force

SB 837 - May - Modifies provisions relating to the statute of limitations for certain sexual offenses

SB 899 - Mosley - Creates provisions relating to the "Office of State Ombudsman for Inmates in the Custody of the Department of Corrections"

SB 1083 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the attorney general

SB 1104 - Brattin - Modifies provisions relating to the use of self-defense

SB 1127 - Thompson Rehder - Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence

SB 1134 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to self-defense

SB 1204 - Eigel - Modifies provisions regarding the offense of sexual exploitation by a clergyperson

SB 1215 - Schupp - Creates provisions relating to a task force on cyber crimes

HB 1699 - Roberts - Modifies and establishes provisions relating to domestic violence

HB 1705 - Roberts - Establishes procedures for a violent offender registry, which will include any person on probation or parole for first or second degree murder

HB 1954 - Henderson - Establishes "Bentley's Law" relating to child maintenance orders

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2307 - Coleman - Assesses an additional five thousand dollar fine for human trafficking offenses and establishes the "Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Fund"

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

HJR 114 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to penalties and fines from human trafficking offenses

Vital Statistics (1)

SB 1070 - Brown - Modifies provisions relating to the right of sepulcher and the death registration process

Waste - Hazardous (2)

SB 918 - Burlison - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

HB 2485 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

Waste - Solid (7)

SB 910 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to processed recycled asphalt shingles

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1115 - O'Laughlin - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management to include advanced recycling facilities

SB 1164 - Eigel - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

SB 1183 - Gannon - Modifies provisions relating to solid waste management

HB 2485 - Knight - Modifies provisions relating to environmental regulation

HB 2600 - Railsback - Modifies the provisions relating to natural resources.

Water Patrol (1)

SB 913 - Arthur - Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices

Water Resources and Water Districts (4)

SB 984 - Hegeman - Modifies provisions relating to environmental protection

SB 1007 - Eigel - Creates provisions relating to reorganized common sewer districts

SB 1075 - Schupp - Creates a grant program to provide funding to schools to mitigate lead in drinking water

SCR 31 - Bean - Approves the Missouri Water Resources Plan and its implementation

Weapons (10)

SB 731 - Schupp - Provides that all sales of firearms be processed through a licensed firearm dealer

SB 884 - White - Modifies provisions relating to firearms

SB 894 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 895 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating the offenses of unlawful transfer of weapons and the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 936 - Arthur - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1016 - Roberts - Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons

SB 1033 - Rizzo - Modifies provisions relating to the unlawful possession of firearms

SB 1229 - Brown - Provides that a person may use deadly force against a person unlawfully entering private property

HB 2088 - Grier - Modifies provisions relating to public safety

HB 2697 - Shaul - Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws

Workers' Compensation (7)

SB 708 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to occupational diseases contracted by certain first responders

SB 784 - Eslinger - Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation administrative law judges

SB 863 - Onder - Modifies provisions relating to worker classification

SB 920 - White - Modifies provisions relating to employee liability under workers' compensation laws

SB 1188 - Beck - Modifies provisions relating to employer liability

HB 1686 - Hardwick - Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment

HB 2358 - Evans - Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements