Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Hough
SB 45
Creates new provisions relating to certain firefighters who contracted certain types of cancer as a result of employment as a firefighter
SB 46
Modifies provisions relating to transportation
SB 47
Modifies provisions relating to local taxation
SB 123
Modifies provisions relating to local sales taxes
SB 124
Modifies provisions relating to tobacco products
SB 125
Extends the expiration of the Fast Track Workforce Development Incentive Grant from August 28, 2022 to August 28, 2027
SB 174
Modifies provisions relating to certain infrastructure improvement districts
SB 175
Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax
SB 176
Enacts provisions relating to emerging technologies
SB 214
States that certain records of municipally owned utilities may be closed under the Sunshine Law
SB 215
Repeals provisions authorizing regional economic development districts
SRB 216
Repeals expired, ineffective, and obsolete statutory provisions
SB 236
Modifies provisions relating to feral swine
SB 237
Modifies the compensation of court reporters
SB 286
Creates and amends various provisions regulating limited liability companies and partnerships
SB 314
Modifies the offense of tampering with a judicial officer to include the Attorney General or his or her appointee
SB 315
Modifies provisions relating to charter schools
SB 316
Modifies provisions governing the payment of salaries out of the state treasury
SB 387
Enacts provisions relating to the towing of commercial vehicles
SB 478
Requires registration with the Department of Health and Senior Services for supplemental health care services agencies
SB 479
Modifies provisions related to the regulation of wholesale drug distributors
SB 481
Creates new provisions relating to the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits
SB 497
Modifies a provision relating to the partition of property for heirs
SB 498
Modifies provisions relating to public contracts
SB 512
Modifies provisions relating to ambulance districts
SB 513
Modifies provisions relating to special victims
SB 527
Modifies provisions relating to the offense of institutional vandalism
SB 536
Modifies provisions relating to unaccompanied youth
SB 570
Allows certain entities to form a broadband infrastructure improvement district for the delivery of broadband internet service
SB 623
Authorizes a tax credit to offset taxation on utilities
SB 624
Creates provisions requiring a professional license for radiologic imaging and radiation therapy
SB 625
Modifies a provision relating to a sales tax credit for the replacement of certain vehicles
SB 626
Modifies provisions relating to vehicle sales tax
SB 627
Reduces the top rate of income tax by 0.5%
HB 27
Modifies requirements for meeting notices of public governmental bodies and minutes of open meetings
HB 162
Modifies provisions relating to business entities registered with the state
HB 252
Modifies provisions relating to transient guest taxes
HB 563
Authorizes the city of Springfield to create a land bank agency
HB 592
Enacts provisions relating to personal delivery devices
HB 657
Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Sunshine Law
HB 687
Exempts new motor vehicles from certain inspection requirements
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