
SB 570 - This act allows two or more partnering entities, as defined in the act, to form a broadband infrastructure improvement district or partnership for the delivery of broadband internet service to the residents of such municipalities or service area.

A district composed wholly of partnering entities that are municipalities may finance the provision or expansion of broadband internet service through grants, loans, bonds, user fees, or a sales tax, not to exceed one percent. The act also sets forth the composition and operation of the district governing board.

If any of the partnering entities include a municipal utility, electric cooperative, or public utility, different procedures shall be followed as set forth in the act.

This act is similar to SS/SCS/SB 108 (2021), HB 735 (2021), a provision in the truly agreed CCS/SS#2/SCS/HCS/HB 271 (2021), and SB 874 (2020).


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