After an accomplished career of working and volunteering to help Kansas City area children, women and some of the city’s poorest and most underserved communities, Jolie Justus was elected to the Missouri State Senate in 2006. Since entering the Senate, she has been a leading advocate for children, women, working families, job creation, vibrant neighborhoods and an independent judiciary.

Senator Justus has emerged as a tireless voice for Missouri’s most vulnerable citizens and a respected leader and champion for Kansas City. In addition to passing dozens of bills that benefit Missourians, Senator Justus holds key leadership roles as Minority Leader and Ranking Democrat on the Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee.

Senator Justus represents Kansas City and Grandview and currently serves as the Director of Pro Bono Services for the law firm of Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP. Under her direction, SHB has been recognized as one of the top 100 free legal services programs in the nation.