Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Kraus
SB 72
Requires the Attorney General to sue the federal government to enforce federal immigration laws
SB 73
Requires political subdivisions using automated traffic enforcement systems to distribute fines to local school districts
SB 74
Requires drug testing for work-eligible TANF applicants and recipients based upon reasonable cause
SB 75
Modifies the law relating to campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics
SB 93
Waives Secretary of State fees for new businesses and requires business licenses to be issued within sixty days
SB 112
Gives immunity from civil or criminal liability to persons reporting suspected child abuse to proper authorities
SB 180
Designates certain state recognized days, weeks, and months
SB 256
Repeals certain tax credit programs
SB 257
Modifies provisions of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
SB 258
Relating to the historic preservation tax credit program
SB 259
Subjects certain tax credit programs to sunsets
SB 270
Modifies various provisions relating to public elections
SB 271
Modifies provisions of the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City
SB 281
Requires the cumulative state and local tax rate to be printed on sales receipts
SB 324
Requires that only one license plate be issued for all motor vehicles instead of the current two plates
SB 398
Allows public school principals to opt out of the election authority designation that their school be used as a polling place
SB 399
Modifies provisions relating to the crime of failure to return leased or rented property
SB 400
Modifies provisions regarding the crime of sexual contact with a student while on public school property
SB 419
Modifies the law currently prohibiting Kansas City police officers from participating in some political activities
SB 433
Modifies the law relating to deeds of trust
Requires refunds to taxpayers when state revenues grow by five percent or more
HB 183
Modifies provisions of the Police Retirement System of Kansas City and the Civilian Employees' Retirement System of the Police Department of Kansas City
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