Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Wright-Jones
SB 50
Allows electric companies to recover costs from ratepayers associated with early site development for certain electrical generation facilities
SB 108
Modifies provisions concerning the installation of fire sprinklers in certain dwellings
SB 203
Creates a tax credit to attract sporting events to the state
SB 231
Prohibits a political subdivision from restricting a firefighter from engaging in certain political activities
SB 238
Creates a presumption that certain infectious diseases are duty-related for the purposes of firefighters' disability and death benefits
SB 239
Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 240
Changes the requirements for school anti-bullying policies
SB 320
Modifies provisions relating to domestic violence
SB 321
Allows electric companies to recover costs from ratepayers associated with early site development for certain electrical generation facilities
SB 332
Modifies provisions relating to sexual education
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