Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

HCS/HBs 223 & 231 – This act modifies provisions relating to higher education financial assistance programs.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT INCENTIVE GRANT: This act creates the "Advanced Placement Incentive Grant." Any student who receives an Access Missouri award or receives funds under the A+ Schools Program and has also received a score of 3 or higher on two or more Advanced Placement tests in math or science will receive a $500 grant. In addition, a student must have earned the AP scores while attending a Missouri public high school.

This provision is identical to SB 265 (2011) and is similar to a provision contained in SS/SCS/SB 130 (2011). (Section 173.1350)

NURSING EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM: This act creates the Nursing Education Incentive Program within the Department of Higher Education for the awarding of grants. This program will allow grants not to exceed $150,000 to be awarded to Missouri institutions of higher education accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association that offer a nursing education program. No campus may receive more than one grant per year.

To be considered for a grant, an institution must offer a nursing program that meets a predetermined category and area of need as established by the Department of Higher Education and the State Board of Nursing. When establishing categories and areas of need, the Department and Board may consider: data from licensure renewal and from the Department of Health and Senior Services and national nursing statistical data and trends for nursing shortages.

The State Board of Nursing is authorized to provide funding to the program.

This act also repeals the obsolete Nurse Training Incentive Fund.

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HCS/SB 325 (2011) and are similar to SB 191 (2011). (Sections 335.036 - 335.209).


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