HCS/SS/SB 202 - This act allows employers and all labor organizations to obtain political contributions from an employee or member by payroll deduction only if they consent annually. This provision shall not apply to voluntary member-owned trade associations wholly operating in the state or first responders. This act is similar to SB 610 (2006) and HB 466 (2011). CHRIS HOGERTY HA 1 - BARS PUBLIC ENTITIES FROM DISCRIMINATING AGAINST BIDDERS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS BECAUSE OF UNION AFFILIATION. HA 2 - NONEXEMPT STATE EMPLOYEES ARE ALLOWED TO KEEP UP TO 80 COMPENSATORY LEAVE TIME HOURS AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR. HA 3 - BARS LIENS ON BEHALF OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT FRINGE BENEFIT FUNDS WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DUES AND COSTS ARISING OUT OF WORK PERFORMED BY A SUBCONTRACTOR IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES.