Senate Action for 7/5/2011

SB 70 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Family Trust
   LR: 0089S.07T    CCS SS SCS SB 70
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

SB 180 - Kraus - Designates certain state recognized days, weeks, and months
   LR: 0670L.01T    
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

SB 226 - Engler - Modifies provisions relating to emergency services
   LR: 1363S.05T    CCS HCS SS SB 226
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

SB 306 - Wasson - Modifies laws relating to the administration of credit unions
   LR: 1302S.02T    SS SB 306
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

SB 351 - Lamping - Modifies provisions relating to adoption records
   LR: 1626L.05T    HCS SS SCS SB 351
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 315 - McNary - Combines and modifies the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Missouri that have been enacted in more than one bill so that there is only one version of a statute exists
   LR: 0923L.02T    HCS HB 315
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 465 - Wells - Modifies laws relating to the administration of credit unions
   LR: 1361L.04T    HCS HB 465
7/5/2011 -- Vetoed by Governor

HB 506 - Fuhr - Modifies provisions of law requiring certain political subdivisions to revise property tax rates
   LR: 1489S.03T    SCS HCS HB 506
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 675 - Largent - Requires county coroners to complete training requirements within six months of appointment or election
   LR: 1470L.01T    
7/5/2011 -- Signed by Governor