Senate Action for 6/22/2011

SB 135 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions pertaining to environmental protection
   LR: 0583S.06T    CCS HCS SS SB 135
6/22/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 109 - Wells - Removes a provision restricting the investment in certain linked deposits
   LR: 0409L.01T    
6/22/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 190 - Ruzicka - Allows the Office of Administration to make monies available to the Department of Natural Resources to be used for cash transactions in the sale of items to the public
   LR: 0774L.01T    
6/22/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 250 - Cox - Exempts certain charitable organizations from well construction requirements
   LR: 0601L.02T    HCS HB 250
6/22/2011 -- Signed by Governor

HB 339 - Pollock - Modifies telecommunications provisions relating to carrier of last resort obligations
   LR: 1159S.02T    SS HB 339
6/22/2011 -- Signed by Governor