Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Bartle
SB 584
Requires mandatory review and sunset of certain tax credit programs
SB 585
Allows the Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions
SB 586
Regulates sexually oriented businesses
SB 767
Removes the restriction on certain counties using a court fee for courtroom renovation and technology
SB 768
Modifies provisions relating to school districts charging tuition for non-resident children of district teachers and employees
SB 779
Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system
SB 780
Makes refusing to submit to chemical testing a separate offense and changes the time line for when a DWI arrest without a warrant must occur
SB 806
Modifies provisions relating to children who are victims of pornographic offenses
SB 815
Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 1014
Modifies provisions relating to crime
SB 1060
Modifies requirements regarding the presiding judge of a circuit court's assignment of certain types of cases and provisions regarding judges, certain juries, and various other provisions
SB 1061
Modifies provisions relating to the appeals process for certain programs administered by the Department of Social Services
SJR 19
Proposes constitutional change to allow the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain toll roads
SJR 20
Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing certain laws pertaining to DNA profiling analysis to be applied retrospectively
SJR 21
Creates the Missouri Savings Account in the Constitution
SJR 30
Requires all state and local ballot measures which seek to create a new, or increase an existing, tax to be placed before voters during general elections
SJR 33
Allows in prosecutions for crimes of a sexual nature involving a victim under eighteen years of age, evidence of prior criminal acts to be admissible into evidence for certain purposes
HB 1609
Modifies requirements regarding the presiding judge of a circuit court's assignment of certain types of cases and provisions regarding judges, certain juries, and various other provisions
HB 2056
Modifies certain requirements about Social Security numbers in certain liens
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