SB 964 - This act defines "criminal investigators of the Department of Revenue" as special agents, special agents-in-charge, or administrators assigned to the Department of Revenue Criminal Investigations Bureau. All criminal investigators are permitted to carry and use a firearm in the same manner as peace officers, probation and parole officers, members of the armed forces and judiciary, and other exempted persons. A minimum of sixteen hours of firearms safety training shall be required and the department shall determine the content of the required firearms safety training and provide firearms certification training. Under this act, criminal investigators with the Department of Revenue, who meet the requirements of Chapter 590 and hold a valid peace officer license, may be appointed as peace officers by the director of the department. Such investigator shall take an oath to uphold the law. They shall receive a certificate of appointment granting him or her police powers to enforce state laws when investigating issues relating to taxes and fees administered by the Department of Revenue. Criminal investigators appointed as peace officers shall have full police power when working with at the request of a local law enforcement agency. This act is similar to HB 1362 (2010), HB 1376 (2010), and certain provisions of SCS/SB 1016 (2010). SUSAN HENDERSON MOORE