Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Rupp
SB 38
Allows a county, after meeting the required assessed valuation, to become a second class county upon a vote of the governing body to change classifications
SB 39
Adds a circuit judge position within the Forty-fifth Judicial Circuit
SB 40
Modifies provisions of the Bright Flight Scholarship Program
SB 63
Modifies various provisions relating to dog fighting
SB 64
Modifies provisions relating to charter schools
SB 65
Modifies the state do-not-call list and creates "paid for by" requirements for political phone calls
SB 126
Prohibits life insurers from taking underwriting actions or charging different rates based upon a person's past or future lawful travel destinations unless such action is based upon sound actuarial principles
SB 127
Requires the Governor to annually issue a proclamation declaring the first week of March as Math, Engineering, Technology and Science Week
SB 128
Removes certain statutory restrictions on the current design-build highway project process to allow the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission to enter into more design-build highway project contracts
SB 136
Modifies provisions of the New Markets Tax Credit Program
SB 137
Adopts the Nurse Licensure Compact
SB 167
Requires health carriers to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders under certain conditions
SB 207
Creates consumer notification requirements for data security breaches
SB 208
Allows the State Board of Education to grant teaching certificates to individuals to teach part-time in specific areas
SB 269
Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of captive insurance companies
SB 280
Specifies that insurance companies subject to an annual tax on gross premium receipts are exempt from the imposition of Missouri's corporate income and franchise taxes
SB 335
Modifies the law with respect to Missouri's motor vehicle financial responsibility law
SB 336
Creates a legal process for insurance companies to contest policy coverage issues without breaching certain agreements to their insureds
SB 337
Extends the term of office for certain ambulance district directors
SB 338
Modifies provisions relating to crime victims
SB 377
Modifies various provisions relating to business incentives
SB 445
Prohibits school district employees, volunteers, and independent contractors from placing a student receiving special education services into seclusion
SB 446
Modifies the elementary and secondary education funding formula
SB 483
Revises Missouri's annual financial reporting law to correspond with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) model regulations
SB 484
Provides that the St. Louis Region Transportation District shall receive at least 33% of any federal highway and bridge funds received by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
SB 533
Requires that members of the National Guard be informed of the risks of depleted uranium and that certain veterans be informed of available federal treatment for exposure to depleted uranium
SB 534
Requires coroners or medical examiners to perform certain testing on individuals who commit suicide and report the findings to the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 568
Establishes the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board and creates a state false claims act
SB 574
Allows Lincoln County, after meeting the required assessed valuation, to become a second class county upon a vote of the governing body to change classifications
SCR 10
Rescinds Missouri's 1983 call for a constitutional convention to adopt an amendment requiring a balanced federal budget
SCR 27
Creates the Joint Interim Committee on Oversight of Federal Stimulus and Stabilization Funds
Creates the Missouri Revenue Retention Fund in the Constitution
HB 231
Requires group health insurance policies issued to employers not covered by the federal COBRA law to provide terminated employees continuation coverage rights in the same manner as provided by the federal COBRA law
HB 257
Allows Lincoln county, after meeting the required assessed valuation, to become a second class county upon a vote of the governing body to change classifications
HB 258
Modifies the prevailing and tipped employee wage rate
HB 359
Removes certain statutory restrictions on the current design-build highway project process to allow the state highways and transportation commission to enter into more design-build highway project contracts
HB 390
Modifies the law relating to unauthorized aliens and employment safety programs
HB 506
Requires the Governor to annually issue a proclamation declaring the first week of March as Math, Engineering, Technology and Science Week
HB 577
Modifies various provisions relating to the regulations of insurance
HB 922
Requires each school district to adopt a policy on allergy prevention and response
HCR 13
Claims sovereignty for the states under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution for all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government under the Constitution
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