Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Wilson
SB 18
Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Commission and modifies eligibility for MO HealthNet
SB 21
Creates an advance voting system for elections
SB 91
Provides for additional penalties for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled
SB 92
Modifies Missouri securities law
SB 94
Modifies provisions on child care subsidies
SB 96
Modifies provisions relating to the needs and rights of children
SB 104
Provides information and the opportunity to be immunized for the human papilloma virus
SB 390
Changes amounts of financial assistance awards for the Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program
SB 558
Modifies provisions relating to higher education scholarships
SCR 22
Urges Congress to enact the United States Health Insurance Act sponsored by U.S. Representative John Conyers
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