Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Cunningham
SB 172
Modifies provisions relating to sewer districts and sewer subdistricts
SB 210
Prohibits the Supreme Court from establishing or maintaining a mandatory state bar association
SB 269
Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of captive insurance companies
SB 280
Specifies that insurance companies subject to an annual tax on gross premium receipts are exempt from the imposition of Missouri's corporate income and franchise taxes
SB 284
Modifies the provisions governing fire department residency requirements
SB 332
Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty
SB 546
Increase the income disregard for eligibility in the Ticket-to-Work Health Assurance Program
SCR 11
Expresses the General Assembly's opposition to the federal Freedom of Choice Act
Proposes a constitutional amendment modifying the procedures for selection of nonpartisan judges and provisions relating to judicial commissions
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