Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Callahan
SB 927
Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects
SB 929
Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors
SB 1001
Allows a Kansas City festival district's promotional association to obtain a license to sell alcohol for consumption
SB 1002
Modifies the penalties for certain zoning violations
SB 1031
Increases the penalty for parental kidnapping when the child is taken for certain periods of time
SB 1042
Modifies provisions relating to teacher and school employee retirement systems
SB 1062
Modifies requirements for corporate filings
SB 1066
Modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 1067
Exempts persons 21 years of age or older from wearing protective headgear except when operating or riding motorcycles upon interstate highways
SB 1277
Allows electric and gas corporations to recover expenses for approved energy efficiency investments
SCR 32
Urges Congress to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other multilateral activity which seeks to advance the creation of North America Union
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