SB 1011 - This act modifies provisions of the liquor control. SECTION 311.265 No new license shall be issued to a retail premises that was previously occupied by a retailer that is currently delinquent beyond the permissible ordinary commercial credit period. Applicants at a previously licensed retail premises shall provide verification that the previous retailer is not indebted to the wholesaler. SECTIONS 311.332-311.338 These section repeal provisions regarding wholesaler price regulations. Any charitable or religious organization or educational institution that holds an event with donated alcohol shall report the location of the event to the Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control three business days in advance. The report of each event shall include permission from the property owner and city, a description of the premises, and the date of the event. SECTION 311.630 Currently, employees selected by the division as peace officers have the power to make arrests, searches, and seizures for alcohol control violations and may serve any process connected with the enforcement of such violations. Under this section, such employees designated as peace officers shall also have the power to make arrests, searches, or seizures for any criminal offense, except criminal gambling, witnessed during an investigation of an alcohol control violation. When using such powers, the peace officer shall notify the local law enforcement prior to making an arrest, except when there are life threatening circumstances. In such cases, the peace officer shall immediately notify the sheriff or police department of the respective county or city after making the arrest. Such peace officers shall also have the authority to arrest, search, or seize, in connection with any offense, when acting at the request of local law enforcement. SUSAN HENDERSON MOORE