
SCS/SB 1172 - Currently, it is a crime for certain persons, including dangerous felons, to possess a concealable firearm. The crime of unlawful possession of a concealable firearm is a class C felony. Under this act, the crime is expanded to prohibit such persons from possessing an explosive weapon. The term "explosive weapon" is redefined.

This acts allows licensed importers, manufacturers, dealers, or collectors to possess, manufacture, transport, repair, or sell a firearm silencer as a curio, ornament, or keepsake.

Currently, it is not a crime for a person to possess, manufacture, transport, repair, or sell a firearm silencer if such action was incident to dealing with the silencer as a curio, ornament, or keepsake, or it is used in a lawful dramatic performance, but only if the silencer is in a nonfunctioning condition. Under this act, the silencer would not have to be in such nonfunctioning condition.

This act is similar to SB 378 (2007).


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